i messed up so bad...

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    • i messed up so bad...

      i messed up so bad...
      This is about me and my stupid mind. I didin't think before I did what l did..
      So, my best friend in the whole wide world fell in love deeply for the first time. She loved him more than anything else. But he on the other hand didn't love her that much. He liked me. And l should have stayed out of the situation. But my silly mind liked him very much. So he asked me if l wanted to go on a secret date with him. I said no. But he kept on asking me and telling me he liked me so much. He even cried in front of me because l was saying no. He was doing this for 2 weeks straight. And one day, l changed my mind. I wish l didn't ..... I went out with him. And had the time of my life. And went out again. And again. I went on dates 4 times. And made out with him so many times ... But we swore we would never tell anyone. Because we were forbidden. And l didn't go out with him again. And 3 months later, I was on this party, and l got really drunk, and l kind of made out with his best friend. And he found out. And now he is threatening me that he will tell my best friend what we did. But that can't happen. I can't afford to lose my best friend. I would die for her. The situation is that bad that l am even thinkig about sucide. I live in a very small town and losing my best friend would mean that l will be alone everywhere l go. Everyone will point with finger at me and l will lose the only person l trust in this world. I am regreting my decision. If l could go back in time l would do everything different. But now it is what it is and l don't know what to do. I am feeling helpless........ If he tells her what we did, l think that l will kill myself. I am crying for 3 days straight. I don't know what to do l don't know how to get out of this situation without anyone getting hurt. Well l know that he won't be hurt because all this is funny to him. He thinks ruining my life is a joke. Please help me tell me some advice. I am desperate ... ;(
    • Well I think that you finally have to do the right thing. You need to get your courage
      up and tell your best friend the truth. Tell her how he kept after you and after you to
      go out and that you resisted but did like him but didn't want to go out with him because of her.
      Then tell her that you got weak and gave in. You went out a few times and felt guilty and bad but still
      you did like him. He is the real villain here anyway. If he really cared about your friend he should have
      never strayed away form her. Tell her that you should have come to her in the first place but didn't have the
      courage to do it. Ask her to forgive you for being weak and betraying her trust. That is the right thing and about
      all that you can really do. Hope it works out.