New here and new to teeth treatments

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    • New here and new to teeth treatments

      I am Josephine from Mississauga. I am new here. It was my friend that said to me about this forum. I am badly in need of a suggestion. My parents are in UK and here with my grandparents. Next month, there will a family function and my parents would be here for the same. I do smoke and drink when I am with my friends and now I got stains on my teeth. Parents will definitely understand that I am using cigars and alcohol when they see my teeth. What should do? My grandpa underwent a tooth whitening treatment ( ) on May at Dr. Agata Cybula Associates . So, I am thinking of doing that before my parents come. But I don't know whether it is good to undergo a treatment of that sort at this age and my friend was saying about veneers that would help in whitening too. But will it look artificial? Or is there any solution for me? Anyone here been to this place before?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Josephine Hults: spelling mistakes ().