Coming out

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    • Hello !! Um it is always scary to come out to your friends but you cannot live a life when nobody really knows who you are ... DO NOT BE SCARED we are in 2017 ... if they dont accept it ,they are not really your friends . If you think they already know its far more easy . Ask them in some way what they think about gays lesbians etc. if they seem positive then tell them if not .. then explain that they should because they are friends with one ... Good luck mate
    • Coming out they already do. The gay part of the x-bookstore you go to, or, going to a gay bookstore. Sombody might see you go into a gay bar. Walking around and your looking eyes tell on you. You are already out by your being about. .Stare at a cute and you are out. Being homo does not mean being gay. Similar but not the same. Coupling is different from mere fucking. Married guys with wife and kids might still like street rent boys straight. For an example. Do see str8 rents and str8 husbands a counting. cash. [b] Where is GAY there ? [/b]
      Please realize that cock suckers and ass queers do not equal GAY.