I'm a high school senior but have never had a boyfriend

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    • I'm a high school senior but have never had a boyfriend

      I've had plenty of crushes but no one ever returns the interest. If I like a guy I will ask him questions, get to know him, try to make him laugh. It can feel like a lot of work because I get pretty shy when I have a crush. After the initial shyness we usually become those friends who talk to each other on a daily basis but aren't really that close. That's what has happened with the guy I like right now. I can tell he enjoys talking to me, just not more so than anyone else. He never goes out of his way to talk to me. I have noticed he tends to make more eye contact with me when he is talking to multiple people, but I also have this sneaking suspicion he likes this other girl. People always say that if a guy likes you then you'll know it. If you're left wondering then he probably doesn't.

      I have been pursuing crushes for the last three years, but they have never gone anywhere because the guy just doesn't seem interested. I don't know, is this normal?? Does it seem like I could be doing something wrong??. People often tell me I am "cute", but I wouldn't say I'm incredibly attractive. Maybe guys at this age are only interested in hot girls? Or maybe I need to take more initiative and invite him to do something together? He's rather outgoing though while I am the shy one, so I feel like if he liked me then he would make the first move. Ahh I don't know, when it comes to dating I have no idea what I'm doing
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