The truth teenagers don't want to hear- "YOU DON'T NEED SEX"

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    • The truth teenagers don't want to hear- "YOU DON'T NEED SEX"

      Best and excellent advice never come in affirmative. What do i mean by this? The advice you need from someone concerning an issue bordering you may never come the way you wanted it especially when the advice is coming from a specialist. The advice always come in the opposite. For example a teen who is worried about engaging in casual sex with a fellow teen or an adult, and may seek advice whether to engage in such act or not. Most at times if the teen is in love, he or she may want the advice to be in his favour. But a true specialist will never affirm to that, rather he will tell you the opposite which is "never to engage in casual sex" . Now the truth be told, as a teenager you dont need SEX!!!! that sound absurd? but that is the gospel truth. i will post a trend from my facebook where i wrote comprehensively on THE ESSENCE OF SEX.

      You know at times the consequences of things may not be known until the deed is done. The consequences of premarital sex whether you're a teen or not is grievous and damaging. Alot of teenagers have died out it. some have been retarded in the pursuit of their goals and dreams. Be a reserved teenager with difference. A teenager with goals and vision. A resourceful teenagers. A teenager destined for exploit. You can achieve anything you set your hands to achieve only if you're focused. set your mind for greatness.

      please share your view and post your questions. feel free. love you all!!!

      Motivational speaker.