New life for my friend

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    • New life for my friend

      I have a friend named Sarah. She's my childhood friend and she she turned out to be a lesbian a the age of 18. I was able to feel the difference in her and I decided to support her in every situation. When we used to talk about our future, she used to sit silent. I felt bad for her and recently she told me that she need a partner. I told her that I'll help her whenever needed. Last week she told me that she liked a girl in our locality, and I told her to talk with her and find whether she likes her back. But that girl refused her. She was depressed by the feeling of being rejected, and it was really painful watching her like that.
      So I decided to seek help from the executive gay/lesbian matchmaker service ( and I told them about my friend. They consulted with her and now she's bold and she found her perfect match. She said that they asked her past life, her ambitions, and future goals. They identified who she is and advised her what type of girl she has to search and how to communicate with her. It helped her a lot and I'm very happy for her.