Please help!!

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    • Please help!!

      Hey guys!! I'm planning to undergo liposuction surgery from Dr. Michael Kreidstein's clinic in Toronto. I haven't seen the surgeon yet as I'm confused about my decision. We have already planned to go for a small vacation in the month of December and everyone is excited about it. I thought of undergoing liposuction surgery first and then go for the vacation but one of my friends said I might need to wear compression garments for a couple of weeks after the procedure. She also said some surgeon may ask to rest for 3 weeks and then I won't be able to join my family for the vacation. I do want to go for vacation as it's been too long since everyone in the family been together. What am I supposed to do? Should I undergo the surgery after going for the vacation? What type of dress should I wear after liposuction surgery? Can I go in bikini soon after the procedure? Please share your thoughts.