I hate when somebody touch me...

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    • I hate when somebody touch me...

      So my promlem is:
      I surely have the usual libido of a teenager, but I hate when my actual boyfriend (or anybody) touch me anywhere, not only intim parts, but my arms, legs, hips etc.
      In my opinion, I'm not asexual or greysexual, because I like when I can make my partner happy and satisfied, but only with hands or sometimes with mouth (it makes me feel horny and I get myself off like usual people). I just can't get rid of the things my ex bfs have said to me, that it's not okay that they can't f*ck me... I've tried it once or twice how it feels when they do the usual petting stuff, but I didn't apriciated... I had a wierd feeling that those touches are just not right.
      I'm in a hard situation right now... I told you some of my last experiences above. When it comes to the romantic feelings, I have to say that I'm not able to feel love. I'm attracted to people, but I can't feel that endless feeling in my tummy and I treat my partners like my friends. I have a friend who is clearly in love with me, and I like him too...I mean he is important to me, and I like to be with him but I'm afraid if we get together, after a few month of no sex only this petting kinda stuff he will say the same my ex bfs did...

      My questions [mostly for boys but I'm interested in girls opinions too]:
      - Is it okay for you guys if a girl likes to touch you, but having sex is not an option?
      - Are you okay whit a girl who please you with all her bests, but she don't even let you touch her? ( Maybe after a long time, when she get used to you and with exceptations like kisses and hugs and small, few sec long things...)
      - Are you okay with knowing that the girl you love not feel that kind of love for you? (but she is with you with all her loyalty and support in everything)
      - How much would it be wierd if the girl wouldn't love you, only really likes you? Would you think about that she'll cheat because she is not in love? (even though you know she not feels love for anyone else and you know that she is real loyal)
    • 1. sure as long as she knows what she's doing
      2. as long as she good, i'm good.
      3. no.
      4. cheating's allowed both ways if that's the case. then it's not even really a relationship to begin with.

      just get a fwb girl
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey: