Anyone not knowing what they're doing with their life either?

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    • Anyone not knowing what they're doing with their life either?

      I have so much homework already that I just can't seem to do at home, or even at school. I don't feel ready for year 12 at all, and hardly refreshed after the holidays. All the work and responsibilities everyone is putting on me just seems to blur together into a big ball of what should be stress, but the scarier thing is, it doesn't feel stressful. I'm starting year 12, the year thats going to be very important to my future and could change my whole future if i'm not careful. The one year that actually matters in this prison education system and I am just.. tired. I'm done. Its all built up to this, and i'm burnt out. No motivation, no drive, no, idea what i'm doing. Am I even going to uni? What am I studying for? Whats stopping me from just leaving and getting a job at this point? I want to do well, But I also just want to give up. What a relief that would be. But it wouldn't end well. Thats a one way ticket to a horrible desk job and a life where I constantly urge my kids to go to school and get a good education in hopes they don't make the same mistake I made. Just like my parents.. but they ended up happy didn't they? Will I be happy in the future? Is the route i'm taking the one to my happiness? So many thoughts in my head this late night. Is anyone else in the same boat? I'd love to here your thoughts.