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      So I'll try to keep this breif

      So last year February my crush finally asked me out, I have to admit we didn't really know much about eachother but I fell for him hard and he loved me but then the relationship began to go downhill and we had a massive argument because of his friend then we broke up and it left me in pieces for majority of summer but then we ended up back together towards the end but again he got bored and we broke up in september 2016.

      I was pretty heartbroken but I was confused. He would disappear then reappear back in my life and act like nothing happened use me for sex then leave and me not hear from him again. The last time I saw and spoke to him was February this year 2017.

      But in November a boy dm'd me on insta and we got chatting and I have to say I really like him. He nice and sweet but we live an hour/two away from eachother and we havent met even up till this day. We talk everyday and we even argue like were together its weird. I have feelings for him and I wanna meet him and really get to know him even more this summer but Im scared that if I do that my ex will come back on the scene in the summer and I'll fall for him again and I just feel so selfish.

      I really like this new guy but I have to admit I still think about my ex 24/7 and sometimes I wish we was back together.

      Im confused and dont know what to do... Advice.