The Best Gift from My Best Friend - Dog!!

    • The Best Gift from My Best Friend - Dog!!

      I can't contain my excitement!
      My best friend gave me a dog as a present yesterday! It's one of the best gifts I have received in my entire life. <3
      It's a Pomeranian puppy. My mom allowed me to let it sleep in my room, but not on my bed.
      Guys, can you recommend me something that I should buy for Dora? (That's the name I gave her :)
      I think I need to find a bed for her to sleep. Any suggestions?
      This is the first time that I'm going to take care of my dog, so I'm not sure how to choose the best products for my new pup.
    • congatulations !!!!! I also have a dog but I picked him from the streets . he was a stray but now we share my bed !!!! so ... you should probable get him food but food that it good for the teeth and does not make her mouth smell . Moreover , you should get two seperate small bowls for water and food so that you can fill up water when she eats .Also , you should buy puppy shampoo appropriate for her hair !!! oh a brush will be also a good idea especially for yours !! brush her at least 1 or 2 times a week . my dog does not play with toys but yours propablee does so get her some teeth friendly toys. What else??? yeah you should probably get her some treats . when you will train her , the treats will motive her !!! i think that i dont have to mention a lease and a collar but you should also get her an id with her name and your phone number bacause you naver know ... thats it i think . I have more things in my head but those are the necessary ones .. i hope i did not make you dizzy !!! good luck <3
    • hey again !!!! ok so thats actually a good one but , you know i think that it is not fluffy enough . i got one for my dog and he was uncomfortable ... now i got him something like this . he can rest his head and he is not hot in the summer season and I live in Greece so i guess its great . I dont know what Dora would be comfortable with, but if i were you i would get something similar to the picture . mmm and its also less expensive because what you suggested is said to be orthopedic ... yeah look , dogs dont actually need that kind of stuff because they are much more flexible than humans . by the way thanks for asking for my opinion !! :P I would be glad to answer any more questions you have <3
      • pet-beds.jpg

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