I wanna smash pls help

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    • I wanna smash pls help

      Hi im ricky 16 years old and i met this girl online and i really like her and i feel like i wanna meet up and then i wanna try to have sex and lose my virginity. Its not just sex i really like her u know. I invited her to come to my house to watch a movie and chill in the jacuzzi. She said yes. But i dont have any experience with meeting girls online so my question is: how do i make it less akward cuz we never met before amd how do i get in them panties??? Thankss alreadyy
    • okkii...wait a second...you met a girl online, yoe have not seen her in real life buttttttt you want to have sex with her on the first "date", that's not how it works. if you rally like her you should wait, just have a good time otherwise you will "scare" het and she will go away. even if a girl says that she isn't a romantic type of person, she still like a guy to do his best for her and not trying to have sex with her on the first date.