Does he like her?

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    • Does he like her?

      I like a guy. He goes to my class. But I think he likes another girl.
      He and that girl were sitting next to each other on some lessons, and everything began with her talking to him and joking with him and touching his hair and so on.
      It was simply that girl who did everything to get his attention.
      And now, he started to do the same thing.
      He is smiling to her, joking with her, he is more often the one who starts conversations with her, he is saying ''Yo'' to her everytime she enters the classroom, she talks about her sometimes she isn't around and he is often saying ''good job'' to her after she does something good.
      One time when we had a test then he even said ''good luck to her'', and I must admit that hurt me.
      He did almost the same things to me some time ago, and he still does, he gave me many compliments but now it seems like he is too shy to talk to me and everybody say so.
      We did many things together, together, he was so nice to me, we were even dancing, but now everything ended. I don't know if I did something wrong, or if that's the girl's fault.
      Do you think he likes that girl? Or is it possible that he likes both of us? And please, do not tell me to go and ask him about it, because as I said before, he is very shy around me and I am shy as well. Also, I don't think he will be honest after everything that happened between us.
    • still you are having the hang over...He is now doing what he did with you.He is not stable in his relationship.You asked does he love both of you? We wonder whether Is it acceptable to you ? so better try to forget him or wait till he comes to you again.
      hi friends, send me PM for anything else..I love to receive more messages ...thanks
    • siRius15 wrote:

      still you are having the hang over...He is now doing what he did with you.He is not stable in his relationship.You asked does he love both of you? We wonder whether Is it acceptable to you ? so better try to forget him or wait till he comes to you again.
      Well, we weren't in a relationship. I wrote that I like him. And the major problem is that he was flirty to me earlier, but now he is also flirty to another girl. And I don't know if he still likes me, if he fell in love with the other girl, if he likes both of us or if he doesn't like any of us and is only treating us as friends.
    • It's quite possible he likes both of you. My ex boyfriend, before getting with me, liked two girls, and I currently like two guys. It's very difficult to decide on one person when you like two people, and he might not want to make that decision at the moment.
      Judging by what you've said, that he touches her and wishes her luck for tests, it sounds like he does like her. But it also sounds like its quite possible he likes you too. The fact that he pulled away from you when this girl entered his life suggests that it is possible he likes both of you, and isn't sure how to deal with it. If you really want a chance with him, don't hide yourself from him, make sure he remembers that you're there, and with time he'll make a decision. The thing that I have learnt from my past relationships is that everything gets better with time and patience.
      I hope this helps! :)
    • I've literally just been reading about these signals that girls do, from what I've seen it appears that she likes him and he likes her. But there could be a chance of him liking you too, it's just that he might of suppressed his feelings for you because he thinks that you don't have feelings for him and the signs you might of given to him to show that your interested could of been a bit too subtle due to us males being a bit too dull to see the signs.