The Do's and Don'ts When You're With a Girl

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    • The Do's and Don'ts When You're With a Girl

      Girls can bring us to edge of our seats and yet they would still remain as the sweetest, cutest, most lovable creatures on earth. As men, we cannot deny the fact that women have been our primary motivation since the beginning of time and our pursuit to attract and seduce them is a very classic hobby. Of course, most men would attest to the fact that it's never easy to read a woman's body language and it's always a challenge to us every time a woman is involved. So before you get all wired and tired, here are a few do's and don'ts when you're with a girl

      Don't brag. Bragging can be a normal urge when you're with a girl but by all means, try to curb that feeling for a while well if you really have something to brag about, that's cool but girls get a little annoyed when it's too much.

      Be sensitive. To her feelings that is. Women are prone to saying something but totally meaning the other that's why it's important you get to read her body language instead you can never go wrong.

      Don't be over eager. Being excitement around girls is alright it's a typical feeling. However, when you start to get a little too over eager, you come off as someone desperate and needy for attention. So don't.

      Be sweet and romantic. Every girl wishes for a sweet and romantic boyfriend beside them, that's why it pays to show your cheesy and romantic side every once in a while. Make her feel totally loved and desired.

      Be confident. Confidence can take you a long way and believe me, girls swoon over men who can project control, dominance, poise and coolness. Being confident and self-assured means you can take care of yourself and her.

      Don't be loser. Most guys would have the tendency to get all pessimistic and negative when it comes to attracting the ladies. But why? Answer: it's not them, it's you. So settle all your personal issues and problems before going out there women find self-assured guys very appealing.

      Be up for anything. That means you need to be open to change and start being a little adventurous. Adventurous guys spell thrill and excitement to women. Being up for anything means you know the meaning of fun and great time of course, everybody wants to hang out with someone like that.

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