My kids refuse to accept my girlfriend. What do I do?

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    • My kids refuse to accept my girlfriend. What do I do?

      I’m a dad of three kids – they’re 17, 15, and 13. My partner and I broke up two years ago. We keep a civil relationship and make arrangements regarding the custody of our children.
      I make enough money to support my children financially and see them regularly. I’ve introduced them to some of the women I’ve dated in the past. I don’t understand why they are not so welcoming with my foreign girlfriend now.
      I met her on Loveme, and we’ve been together for a while now. I went to her country to visit her with my children. We stayed there for two weeks and she was very nice and hospitable to all of us. I would say the vacation went very well, but my kids think otherwise.
      My kids started refusing to see me less after our trip. They said she was too young for me. My girlfriend and I have a 10-year gap, but we’ve never seen it as a problem. I’m trying to find ways how I can get my kids to accept her. Do they still hope that their mom and I are getting back together? I need suggestions, advice, any help from anyone on how to deal with my situation. Thanks in advance.