​About to give up on online dating and starting to consider matchmaking services. Need advice.

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    • ​About to give up on online dating and starting to consider matchmaking services. Need advice.

      <p>I’ve tried what feels like just about every online dating service out there, and feel like it’s not helping me. The women I’ve met online just aren’t very responsive to my messages, and I think I’m going to try another option to meet a woman. <br></p><div><br></div><div>I came across the website for A Foreign Affair, and it looks pretty promising. They offer real matchmaking services and you get to meet the women face to face. They also advertise the fact that they offer tours to countries all around the world where you have the chance to meet hundreds of women. So I just wanted to ask: have any of you tried matchmaking services? Did it work out for you? Is there anything I need to look out for, or anything I can look forward to? Thanks in advance!</div><p><br></p>