Need Advice For Flirting/Dating a Shy Girl

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    • Need Advice For Flirting/Dating a Shy Girl

      I'm a 16 year old sophomore who needs some advice. I've fallen for this beautiful girl who I've known since freshman year. We had one class together and the same group of friends but we ourselves didnt talk much freshman year. Our families have become friends and I've started to hang out with her more recently. The more I see her and get to know her, the more attracted to her I get. I learned (from her mom) that in middle school, she was really introverted and was to nervous to talk to "cute guys." I also used to be really nervous around pretty girls and could barely articulate sentences. She is the same. When we first started talking and hanging out more, she'd get visibly nervous and get kinda quiet and respond awkwardly to questions I'd ask her or compliments I'd give her. I noticed this and realized she was feeling the same way I used to feel. So in order to not overwhelm/intimidate her, I decided to take it slow, and started focusing on just hanging out with her and getting to know her. Recently, she's gotten less nervous around me and has started to come out of her shell. Her mom who is good friends with mine said that she always is happier whenever she gets back from hanging out with me. Her mother also said that someone told her how I felt and she was elated. Now heres the problems: 1. She's notorious for turning down every guy that has ever asked her out. One baked her a cake and asked her to homecoming, another got her flowers and asked her to homecoming, another got her a huge poster. All of them were turned down. 2. She gets nervous and quiet when I try to talk to her in front of our friends/her friends. 3. Her mother told me she's always had this wierd "emotional block" when it comes to guys, but I was the only acception so far. Out of every guy so far, I've gotten the farthest without being immediately shut out. But she still is unintentionally using this push-pull tactic thats driving me crazy. For example, she'll barely acknowledge me at school, but when its just us away from our friends, she's less nervous and more talkative. The most recent time we hung out at her house and we baked cookies together. She didn't seem very nervous and was carrying on every conversation we had. She laughed at jokes I would tell and was all over my little brother (who is 10). My little brother told her that he thought we'd be a cute couple while I was in the bathroom and she told him that she didn't see me in that way. But she gave my little brother her number and said she would talk to him more about me. I didn't find this out until later and decided to text her when i got home. I said "Thanks for teaching me how to bake! I had a lot of fun tonight!" and she didn't respond, yet she like my instagram post and sent out snap chat streaks minutes later. This is where this doesn't add up. She told her mom that she had feelings for me, yet she tells her friends that she doesn't like anyone right now. So after a lot of over analyzing and a stressful, sleepless night, I did a lot of research and found this forum. Any advice whatsoever will help.