How do I make him like me again? - he used to

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    • How do I make him like me again? - he used to

      Okay sooo basically I became friends with this boy we will call Jimmy (fake name) in 8th grade. We became close and he started to like me over the summer between 8th and freshman year but I never knew and saw him as just a friend. When freshman year started we had a class together and would talk all the time and it was so much fun. Everyone noticed the chemistry between us and would always say things like “omg just date already guys” and stuff like that. Eventually he told me he had feelings for me and asked me out. I wasn’t sure if I liked him like that, I later realized I did but in the moment i didn’t wanna ruin our friendship and I’m the type of person who needs to think out big choices. Time passed and eventually he pulled away. I asked him why he had been so distant and if he still liked me. He said he had started talking to a girl whom we will call Sarah. Him and Sarah eventually started dating and when that happened our friendship was ruined anyways. He hardly talked to me and paid very little attention to me. He dated this girl all the way up until the start of sophomore year. Our friendship came back together despite the fact that we have no classes this year and don’t see eachother. He apologized for everything and I feel he is much more mature now. Over the time he was dating Sarah I realized I actually had strong feelings for him and just never knew and I was really depressed for months. Those feelings never really went away. Now recently he has talked about how he still finds me incredibly hot and he always say ily in a friend way and things like that. We are very close again but when I opened up about my feelings all he says is sorry. We talk every day and he always compliments me and acts as if he likes me but i don’t think he does because he knows I would date him in a heartbeat. I don’t understand how he liked me so much and now I’m just a friend. My personality didn’t change and he finds me very physically attractive. I think maybe if we hung out and had a class again he’d like me again but it’s impossible for me to do that and see. What’s the best way to go about this? I still have strong feelings for him that I’ve had over a year and I want to be with him but I don’t know how to make him devote himself to a relationship with me. He used to want to date me so I don’t know what’s different. Please help. Thanks. <3