How to introduce my foreign girlfriend to my parents. Any advice???

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    • How to introduce my foreign girlfriend to my parents. Any advice???

      I grew up in one of the Southern states under the watch of very traditional parents. They follow traditional practices and beliefs. I have been very careful with the girls that I have introduced to them. With the three girlfriends that they’ve met, only one of them passed their so-called standards. It’s a scary statistic.

      My girlfriend is successful career-wise and was raised well by her family. I met her on A Foreign Affair through a friend’s recommendation. I thought I wouldn’t be able to connect with anyone, but I did, and she’s just so amazing. She has a strong sense of family values and also has her own beliefs regarding some traditional things. In hindsight, her personality is very similar with my mom’s. I think my parents would love her once they get to know her.

      The problem now is how I would go about introducing her. I have no doubts regarding her character, but my parents are just too traditional. I can't bring her to our home just yet due to our distance. Should I just wait until I can personally introduce her to them?

      My parents have been supportive of me and their opinion matters a lot to my decisions in life. I see a good future with my girlfriend, and that's why I want to do anything possible to introduce her to my parents in the best way I can. I want to introduce her the way she deserves and in a way my parents would immediately like her. I need all the help I can get. How do I do it??