Girlfriend is inviting me as her date for a wedding. Should I go?

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    • Girlfriend is inviting me as her date for a wedding. Should I go?

      I was matched with this woman from Ukraine through a site called A Foreign Affair.

      We’ve been in a relationship for about 2 months now. We have yet to see each other in person and I’m really nervous about our recent conversation.

      She’s inviting me to be her date for her aunt’s wedding in a few months and I don’t know if accepting it would be the best choice. I’m extremely reluctant to meet her family since I’ve only been her boyfriend for a while.

      They don’t even know about our relationship yet and I have no clue as to how they are going to react once they meet me. Secondly, I’m not entirely certain if seeing each other in person this fast is a good move. What if by going to this wedding would make things move too fast? What if her family won’t be too thrilled to meet me when I attend the event? So many questions are popping in my head right now.

      Aside from these “what ifs,” seeing my foreign girlfriend would make me incredibly happy. Long distance can be tedious sometimes and just thinking about accompanying her in person would mean the world to me. I could easily book a ticket and pack my things but I’m still wondering if it would be a wise decision.

      The only factors that strike my mind are the reactions of her family, the progression of our relationship, and what to do when I see her for the first time. I’m not really accustomed to her culture so I’m contemplating on the types of gifts I should bring over. What’s an ideal first date? How should the date go and how can I make it magical? We should we have the date before or after the wedding? I badly need some advice. Any tips and comments are gladly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!!

      Girlfriend invited me as date for wedding. Advice?