My gf is thinking about moving here and I’m not ready. Help?

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    • My gf is thinking about moving here and I’m not ready. Help?

      Through this international online dating site called LoveMe, I got into a relationship with this woman from the Philippines. She’s been planning on immigrating to the United States and starting a new life. We’ve been dating online for more than a year now and we’ve decided that it’s about time to see each other in personI made travel arrangements to the Philippines and sta.

      yed at her hometown for about a week or so. I had a such a good time with her that I decided to surprise her with an airplane ticket coming here for her to visit me. She was thrilled and surprised that she will finally get to travel abroad and experience a new environment.

      A couple of weeks passed by and while we would talk over video chat, she would bring up the topic of moving in together. With her long-time plans of moving here, she’s more than ready to pack her things. But with me on the other hand, I don’t think I’m ready to live together with her. I do love her and see a future with her but I just want to make sure we’ll be secured financially and mentally. This is going to be a huge step forward in our relationship and I want to consider all possible scenarios and what to expect.

      When she arrives here, I don’t know how to tell her about how I feel about this. I’m afraid to hurt her feelings because she seems so excited. The last thing I want to do is get her hopes up just to disappoint her in the end. Do you guys have any advice or suggestions for me? A slow and easy way for me to open this up to her. Any would be great and I would gladly appreciate your help! Thank you in advance!