Help I’m so in love!

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    • Help I’m so in love!

      Ok so I admit, I think I’m in love.
      First things first though, I’m gay, but not out yet, so that makes dating a whole lot harder...
      Let me introduce you to my crush.
      We know each other from school - we’re in lots of classes together and we’re quite good friends. In May on a school camping trip I got to share a tent with him (oh what a good night that was sleeping next to him!) and we go out every so often, maybe every few months.
      Now, since it’s Christmas and we’re not in school, I decided to ask him if he wanted to go into town with me to the cinema or something, and he replied with a yes. We’re going out next Tuesday.
      This time we’re out, I really want to make a move on him, subtly, because like I said I’m not out yet, but enough so that I can test the water and see what’s what. Flirting I guess, just not too flirtatious... He’s got a very flirtatious manner anyway, and I can never tell whether he’s joking or actually hinting something to me. We get along well, and I’ve tried to hint my passion for him before (unsucceedingly of course...) He looks amazing, short blond hair, wide blue eyes and he’s just so laid back and casual, he makes me feel like I just need to loosen up and be as casual as him too! His casual character, however, means it’s hard to read him and his actions.
      As you can tell, a million and one thoughts are flying through my head now that my ‘date’ is arranged. I would love some advice on how to hint to him that I like him, if any of you guys have experienced something like this before.