Why She's Avoiding You ?

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    • Why She's Avoiding You ?

      Every guy has been there at one point or another. Everything is going great, and the girl is showing tons of signs of attraction. And just like that, it's all gone. She's no longer attracted and you feel worthless.Here are the 5 reasons why she's avoiding you

      She got turned off. The first few times together are usually a woman's basis whether you have a shot at being a potential boyfriend or not. Maybe she loves hanging out with you at first and then suddenly she saw a habit, an attitude (rarely, something physical) and she realizes you're not it. She wants to end it right away so things won't do further damage (but yeah, she should have been frank and just told you directly).

      There was no chemistry. You talk but you weren't communicating. You hear her talking but you weren't really listening. You spend time together for the sake of having a date on a Saturday night. It lacks passion and what's worse is that you lack chemistry. Building rapport is very important and women are impressed with men who can carry a conversation - otherwise she'll just get plain bored.

      She realizes you're not her type. Women have preferences and they all have certain standards in a man - and most of them would follow it religiously like a to-do list. You lack surprises, you laugh too loud, you have poor taste in clothing and you lack style - her list will go on and on and on - maybe you need to improve on yourself more and get more insistent with her.

      You didn't stand out. She's probably met a hundred guys in the past and she still can't pick out who she wants to be with - you're probably guys number 27 who acts too nice and too friendly, who is available for her 24/7 and would do anything to make her say yes to go out with you - be different! To impress a woman, you must act like yourself and t to intrigue more to make her into you.

      You offended her. Maybe it's during an interesting conversation gone bad - maybe you contradicted her opinions and beliefs and your jokes were probably too sarcastic or rude. Be sensitive to a woman's body language and find out what she really feels through her actions - they speak so much louder than words. Or maybe you just don't click, period.

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