Need advice on how to succesfully talk to my crush (we're both shy)

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    • Need advice on how to succesfully talk to my crush (we're both shy)

      Hello, this is my first post here, I hope it'll start to feel like home soon.So, I'm a 16 years old kid, she's 15. Our parents are friends, so sometimes they come over to my house on Saturday evening to eat with us. I'm pretty bad at starting conversations, and so is she from what I've seen, but we have a lot of common interests like art for example. I want to get her number because it's frustrating having to wait for our parents to call each other just to see her. Can you guys suggest a way to ask for her number without it beign weird? Or even how to start a conversation with her with our parents around? For now we rarely spoke to each other, but I noticed she laugs sometimes when I say something, so she must find me funny I think. When I'm at her house she always leaves after she's done eating, but since we're very similair I can assume why, since I try to ignore her to not raise any suspicions she must be doing the same (I hope). Our parents wants us to be friends, but it's ackward as f trying to start a conversation with them around all the time. I promised myself that I'm not gonna give up this time, I WILL be able to talk to her. Do you guys have any tricks? Thanks in advance and sorry for the long read
    • I think that you are so lucky to have the opportunity to see her every week! In this kind of moments, we don't know what to do, but we want something so bad at the same time. But let me tell you one thing... Now a girl with life experience is talking (lol). Don't lose her. If you keep hesitating like that, one day, she will disappear without you realizing it! I know it's hard to face life sometimes. But if we don't do it, we'll lose so much wonderful things we could have. If I was you, I'd go talk to her before that dinner and I'd tell her that I need to talk with her next week (and I'll tell you why last week: just because we go crazy and anxious about that kind of moments, and she'll only think about it, and that's a good thing for you. The day you talk to her, tell that you need help with buying a present to your mom or something, and that you need help, or more strict to the point, ask her out. Like "What do you say we go to the movies tomorrow?" or maybe something more soft life going do the park or to the lake. Or take her to some place you like to go, a beautiful one. Fight for her, you need to be strong! I'm with you :) good luck!
    • Thank you so much for your reply! One thing I have to point out though is that me and her don't exactly see each other EVERY week, it's more like , two weeks in a month or a little more/less depending on my parents. Usually I tell my father to call them up, but lately I haven't been doing it because he somehow knows that I like her, and it's awkwars for me to talk about it with him, but you really motivated me to fight for what I want, so I'll make the sacrifice next saturday, and tell him to to call them. Hopefully it'll go well =D