Need advice about a breakup

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    • Need advice about a breakup

      1. So i was in a relationship for almost a whole year with a girl who i loved a lot. I’d do literally anything for her, i showed respect, i was devoted and i was honest with her. We had a great relationship for the whole time, we didn’t fight ever and we had such good communication i felt it would last forever. I guess i was wrong about that, we broke up in September for various reasons but my desire to love someone hasn’t been the same.

      I was hurt really badly at the end. I was hurt so bad that it affected my daily life and had no desire to really want to be in a relationship again. We are on good terms, i wouldn’t do anything to harm her or put her at a disadvantage, i think she’s a great person and there are no longer any hard feelings.

      so since then i’ve had no desire at all to want to be in a relationship. i don’t even bother to talk to a girl, i don’t let anyone get close to trying to love me because i don’t want to be hurt again. i don’t want to have to share my love with someone if i’m scared of what will happen if something goes wrong. there’s a lyric by the artis blackbear that really hit me and it feels like it speaks to me, “I’m filled up with love i don’t want no one to take it cause i’ve been fucked up since the last time i gave it”

      So the question i have is why do i feel like that even when there’s no hard feelings with her. And also is it bad that i don’t want to be in a relationship again?

      Thank you