Make Women Want You

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    • Make Women Want You

      If you're going to hit the town this evening and want some tactics to add to your repertoire and put into play immediately, then you must keep reading. These techniques don't require weeks of preparation. All you must do is understand the basic ideas, and then go and put them in action. You'll find yourself being more successful with the woman you want.

      Present A Challenge. There's a world full of chumps out there, and if you want to stand out from the crowd you've got to be different. Think about how most guys act when they see a hot girl. Usually they're completely awestruck and tongue-tied, spouting off dumb sounding compliments and offering to buy a woman drinks to gain her favor. What you want to do is make a woman feel intrigued by you. This is a surefire way to build attraction, and you can make it happen by presenting yourself as a challenge to her.

      be different, and don't offer to by her a drink. Rather, when you're at the bar next to her waiting to be served, look her in the eyes and ask if she'll buy you a drink instead. There's a good chance you won't actually get a free drink, but rest assured that she'll be curious about you and want to get to know you better.

      Strong Body Language. Seduction has very little to do with words - it's almost 100% about the non-verbal cues. That's why some guys will use the same line they see work for another guy and fail completely where the first guy was a smashing success.

      Be sure to hold her gaze when you're talking to her. Also, you should speak slowly and deliberately. Make it so every word coming out of your mouth is the absolute focal point of every second you spend with her.

      Fractionation. Using this technique, master seducers have been making women fall in love with them super quickly - in 15 minutes or even less in some cases. It is pretty simple to use, but the results are highly effective!

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