Seem to be getting interest from the most popular girl in my year! HELP!

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    • Seem to be getting interest from the most popular girl in my year! HELP!

      Ok, so firstly, I am a COLOSSAL nerd.
      A couple of days ago, I was invited to a party, so I went along, just to be polite. I ended up quite enjoying it, even though I only stayed for the first few hours (it went on until 1 AM, apparently). Anyway, almost everyone but for me and a few friends was drunk, and about an hour and a half in, one of the poplar boys from my year broke up with his girlfriend, a girl from another school who I had spoken to before about once. She was walking around crying, so I decided to try and help. I tried to explain that part of the reason she felt so bad was probably because of the alcohol - she could barely walk. Yes, I KNOW that was technically untrue, but I thought it might make her feel better.
      The next thing you know, she was going "wait... you're a bit fit, aren't you?" and stroking my face.
      She took my glasses off, and tried to put them in my top pocket in my shirt, nearly stabbing me in the eye (did I mention how drunk she was?) Then she said(still stroking my face) "yeah. You're really fit."
      I frantically tried to mouth "help" at my nearby friends, who unfortunately were unable to see because of all the tears of laughter in their eyes.
      "Why're you mouthing help?" she asked, sounding a bit put out.
      "Sorry," I replied, moving through this tricky situation with all the social grace of a thrown hammer. "I'm just not used to all of this."
      "All of what?"
      I froze a bit.
      "All of WHAT?"
      "Just be honest," one of my friends advised through his laughter. "She won't remember any of it in the morning."
      That... actually helped.
      "Well," I finally replied, "I've never even been to a party before, and I'm not used to attractive girls actually saying they like me, well not like this, because by this point they're usually laughing..."
      I was just in the process of thinking I'd set a new standard for sounding like an idiot when she KISSED ME and said "want to dance?"
      And so I was dragged by the hand through the party, and danced with the most popular girl in my year. In front of EVERYBODY. Then, before I knew it, I was sat back with my friends, trying and failing to act unruffled.
      Sounds great, right? My problem here is twofold.
      1. I like her. I tend to obsess over things, and I am right now. I feel like I'm walking on air whenever I think about her. I'm losing sleep. Thing is, what this means is that my ability to analyse the situation above and my one previous (brief) encounter with her to see if it looks like SHE likes ME is very limited. I'm going to have to put some effort in even to find out her surname, and even then making contact is an issue (I don't have social media). Also, she might have got back together with her boyfriend in the morning. Which leads onto point 2...
      2. EVERYBODY SAW. Although I seem to be a little mmore popular with most after this party, it is entirely possible that the return to school on Monday will be a death sentence, especially if her Ex either isn't her ex any more or is, but is still interested.