crush on a random boy?

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    • crush on a random boy?

      There’s a kid in one of my classes that I am somehow attracted to, even though he is not my type at all. We worked together and he was so nice, he giggled at really unfunny things that I said (about the assignment, stupid things like “wow that question is long”) and he even asked if I had a brother (I guess he recognized my last name). I was totally flustered around him, I even forgot how to spell my own name, to which he laughed at.

      Usually with my other crushes, it takes me a few months to think theyre cute or actually start really liking them, but it was different with this boy (not confirming that I have a crush on him, I have no idea what this is) because I didn’t even have that “he’s not cute” period. I saw him at a football game today and I just got a flustered feeling and I couldn’t even make eye contact with him.

      We don’t even know each other so I have no idea why I’m feeling this. What could this be? I really don’t want to get hooked on a boy again because I always end up getting crushed when I realize that they don’t like me back, so I really don’t know what to do...