What are your thoughts on jokes about mental illness/suicide?

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    • What are your thoughts on jokes about mental illness/suicide?

      I understand that people are going to make jokes no matter what and can't expect them to change just because this little thing bothers someone, but it is a little much when the only humor a person uses relates to mocking mental health and stuff like that. I think some of it could be okay, it's just when it gets to be excessive that it't time to take a step back and think about who may be affected by sensitive topics such as mental illness and suicide. Most of that crap is not even funny anyway, especially to the people suffering.
    • Depends on a joke, but there is always a feeling that there's some awareness lacking. However, when I was majoring in psych., the tutor was cracking some really black humour jokes, I've some cracked by psychiatric hospitals' patients, too.

      So, I think it's a bit dependent on whether the person telling those jokes frames the objectified group - the persons with mental health diagnoses - as "the Other, or is an ally. And it gets way different if the joker is a clear member of the group themselves.
    • the day i got out of the hospital (for attempting suicide) my dad took me to my aunts house because they were having a barbecue for some reason and loads of people were there and they all knew I just took an overdose and made loads of jokes about killing them selves. It was not appreciated:) but I don’t think they were intending to hurt me but my dads family are usually mean anyways.
      so much drama it’s like i live in eastenders :0 haha
    • i think sometimes also it may come naturally to some people? not like they do it on purpose but it may just come out in there sentence and they probably didn’t know what they were saying or if it had an effect on you. So I try to just not think too deep into it and not let anything affect me, but I know it can be hard, especially if you’re sensitive, which isn’t a bad thing btw
    • larissa wrote:

      the day i got out of the hospital (for attempting suicide) my dad took me to my aunts house because they were having a barbecue for some reason and loads of people were there and they all knew I just took an overdose and made loads of jokes about killing them selves. It was not appreciated:) but I don’t think they were intending to hurt me but my dads family are usually mean anyways.
      so much drama it’s like i live in eastenders :0 haha
      Awww! I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt you. People just deal with being nervous about things like that by making jokes.