Was I wrong to take the rap for my sister?

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    • Was I wrong to take the rap for my sister?

      Several months back, my sister and I went to this party together. I had just turned 16 and had just gotten my license. Anyway, someone brought alcohol to the party, and we both got really trashed. By the time things were winding down, she thought she was good to drive though, so I didn't argue when she got behind the wheel. I just got into the passenger seat without a word. During the drive home, she tried to take a sharp turn a little too fast and ended up running off the road and into a tree.

      I was okay, because I had my seat belt on. My sister didn't though, and she went face-first into the steering wheel and broke her nose. She was crying and in a lot of pain. We got out of the car and were trying to figure out what to do next when we heard sirens. Someone had seen the accident and called 911. I felts so bad for her. If the cops realized she'd been drinking, she'd be arrested and have an adult record, since she'd just turned 18. I figured she didn't need that on top of her car being wrecked and her nose being broken. So, I told her I'd say I'd been driving. Even if the cops figured out I'd been drinking, I'd only have a juvenile record. She argued with me but eventually agreed just before the cops arrived. Long story short, I ended up getting arrested that night and charged with DWI and vehicular assault (on account of her nose). I spent the rest of the weekend in juvenile detention before going to court on Monday morning where I was released to my parents' custody until my next hearing. Needless to say, my sister and I were grounded for a long damn time after that.

      Fast forward to last Thursday. I was in court again, this time to learn my fate. I thought that since I didn't have a record, the judge would go easy on me. Maybe give me probation with community service. Wrong. I've been sentenced to spend 30 days in juvenile detention. The only reason I'm not there right now is because I had a job, so the judge gave me the weekend to put my notice in and otherwise get my affairs in order. Tomorrow, I have to report to the detention center to begin serving my sentence.

      Look, I own the fact that we were both stupid for drinking that night and for trying to get home by ourselves. No one needs to tell me that. Since court, I've been wrestling with whether I did the right thing or not in taking the rap. I guess in a way it doesn't matter; I'll be going to juvie regardless. But considering how much I'm having to sacrifice here, I can't help but wonder. Do you think I did the right thing? I hope I'm doing the right thing, because I don't want to feel like more of a moron than I do right now.

      All I know for sure is my sister is really grateful for what I did. She's apologized endlessly for that night and has promised me she'll never do anything like that again. She was able to start college this fall, which she might not have been able to do if she'd been charged. Don't know what that would've done to her scholarship. Mom and dad still don't know the truth about what happened that night. I wonder if we should tell them someday?

      Even if I don't get any replies before Monday morning, I promise I'll read all your comments once I'm released. Thanks for listening!