What it was like to fall in love with my best friend - PART THREE

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    • What it was like to fall in love with my best friend - PART THREE

      I ended up going back to Mike. One night, he had asked me to hangout with a group of our friends because we all haven't seen each other since all the drama went down. Last minute, he texted me after work telling me that he couldn't find anyone to hangout with us, and asked if it was okay if it were just the two of us. I said yes because I had isolated myself for almost two weeks of my entire summer, and needed to get out of bed. So I went. He picked me up after work, and we drove around blasting music, just like we used to. We drove to beaches because we had nowhere to go, and eventually, I found myself laying in the sand next to him, stargazing. Cliche, I know. It was about 2 am when he said that we should go home, and by the time he hit back to our town, it had been late. I was having fun, and really didn't feel like going just yet, so he asked if I wanted to come back to his house with him. I was a little confused, especially since I knew that he had strict parents. But right after I said sure, it was already too late. He told me that he was home alone for at least a week. So being the dumb ass that I am, I went along. We arrived, and he took me straight into the basement where his room had been. We watched youtube videos on his bed, but didn't lay next to each other, and just sat there. I ended up staying the night, and things got strange. He asked "You know what we should do instead of laying here?" I asked him what, and he responded "Something" I automatically knew what he meant by this, and I laughed thinking that this was another one of his jokes. But he was serious. I fell asleep hoping that by the time I woke up, he would forget about what he wanted. But that wasn't the case. We ended up pulling an all nighter, and laid there for hours, just staring at the ceiling. It was then that he decided to just go for it. He stuck his hand down my pants. You know what happens next so I won't go into full detail. It was then that he pulled out a condom, and things went on from there. I still remember not being able to say no, but I couldn't find the words to say it. So it happened. Twice. I had gotten home that day, and told my friend about finally losing my virginity. No one was happy for me. Which was pretty much the reaction that I expected, but I at least hoped for some excitement. It was then that I knew I messed up. My friend had recently gone over to his house a few days before I did, and I had no idea about it. They used to be together, but had then started talking again. I was surprised. I didn't know what to do.. So I figured I'd tell her. Over facetime. Things didn't go well, and we stopped being friends. I expected this to happen, but I wouldn't think so soon. She blocked me from everything, and we stopped being friends since. This was the point in my life where I had lost almost everything. Respect, trust, happiness, and my friends. It was not until weeks later, when Jake found out about Mike and I. He was upset and confused. I was the same way. I thought, there is no way he is trying to win me back again, especially at a time like this. Days later, he had asked me to facetime him. We talked every night since, and those were the nights I would never take back. I was happy. He made me feel again. We got close fast. And eventually, hung out with a group of my friends. We parked near a park and got outside. This had been the first time we had been together since we stopped talking. It was weird. On the way there, my friend had noticed how awfully close he got. Having his hand on my leg every time he had reached over to change a song. I hadn't noticed this, but he insisted on sitting in the back seat right in between my friend and I. So as we got to the park, we ended up being left alone. We talked, but didn't do anything. Thank god. When we got home, we dropped off my friend and it had just been him and I in the back seat. He texted me after holding my hand, yet again. (The first time this happened, everyone was still in the car). He asked "Is this making you uncomfortable?" and ultimately, it had been, but I said it was okay. He started rubbing his hand up and down my thigh. Again, I said nothing. We had gotten dropped off, and he texted me asking to see each other again, to talk. I said okay, and made my way up. He said he'd sneak me in, and that no one would even notice that I was over. So I went. We went into his basement, and I was over until about 4 am. We watched "To all the boys I've loved before" and he said the main character reminded him of me. It was funny and I thought nothing of it. After hours of watching movies, he made a move. I dodged it. Several times, until finally, I gave in. Our first kiss was one I never felt before. I was in love, and something made it seem different. We ended up doing things, but not to the point where we had sex. This was the first time. He walked me halfway home that night because he didn't want to walk by his girlfriends house. As we parted ways, he kissed me goodnight, and said "I'll see you next time. We should do this again". I smiled and said of course. The second time I went over, he had to sneak me in again. This time, things got more serious. As always, we went straight into his basement.