Can Social Media Affect Your Teen Positively?

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    • Can Social Media Affect Your Teen Positively?

      Hello Guys!

      As an elder sister of two teens we observed that we always talk how social media negatively affect the teens. It could cause sleep deprivation, depression and bad company problems in our teens but we never talked about positive impacts of using social media on our teens. Here, I am going to share some positive effects of social media on teens:

      With the help of social media teens can show their talent and skills to the entire world. Justin Bieber is good example of it who started his career via YouTube.
      Similarly, social networking sites can help your kids to build good communication skills.
      Social media can also improve the thinking ability of teens via games and other challenging activities.

      You can also read this blog…ocial-media-on-your-teen/ to know positive effects of social media on teens. Please also share what you noticed regarding the pros and cons of using social media on teens. :rolleyes:
    • You make some excellent and valid points - thank you. :)

      I think (as with most things), moderation is also a good way to go - taking an interest in what teens look at, what they read, and talking about what they're exposed to (answering questions and asking some of our own). It's the same as what teens watch on TV or see in the movies, magazines, etc. ;)
    • I don't use social medias a lot. Hasn't influenced me either positively nor negatively. But I heard that many from my school behave much more uninhibited online than in RL or at school. Some seem to have a lot of fun, others less.

      I think that the influence of social media only reflects the life that users are exposed to in normal life. And those who are less active in RL might also experience negative stuff online more often.

      Personally, I don't think much about it.