
    • Differences?

      I am just curious the differences between: As far as style goes

      Attention seekers

      It seems to me that you can't put on a type of clothing without being socially fixed into one of these categories. You could go naked and still be called someone who needs attention:confused::confused:
      [SIZE=3]Everything is not real.[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]There is no answer for anything not real.[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]Therefore, everything has no answer.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Differences?

      These are my stereotypes of what people wear and what group they are in, i don't judge people or assume they are in a category because of what they are wearing but if your asking then this is what i'd associate

      i find emo and goth seem to wear simular clothing, usually something black, sometimes with stripes

      Skater is baggy jeans with chains sometimes and an everyday t-shirt, never caught without their skateboard with them

      preppy i havn't heared of that much but from looking at google, it's expensive clothing? that has a lot of style to it, so i guess high labelled brands e.g. gucci

      punk has the hair thing going on, major spikes with lots of gel and usually a variety of colours in their hair.The clothing is usually normal , probably the main colours being black and white

      Attention seekers, hmm i'm not to sure what i'd associate with that, maybe wearing things that are blatenly too small for them and show too much off?

      Slut i think is being mouthy and wearing the tiniest outfit someone could possibly fit in, wearing playboy, but i'd say that i'd use the term slut when someone acts like it and uses slutty actions, more their behaviour than what they're wearing

      terms like slut and chavs i think are fine to brand people as because you can brand them with it by their actions aswell as what they wear, the others i think are a bit over the top so i wouldn't cal someone an emo, because they're wearing lots of black make-up and covered in black clothes
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • Re: Differences?

      Emo-we call them "scene kids" where im from. girls wear skinny jeans, flats, and band tshirts. colored extensions in their hair, and side swept bands. heavy eyeliner. guys wear the same jeans and shirts, plus usually a studded belt. most of these kids also have facial peircing, like a monroe or their snake bites. Peacoats are popular in the winter along with fingerless gloves (so easier to smoke their ciggs)

      Goth-big baggy hot topic pants with chains and straps hanging off. usually all black clothes. tshirts from tim burton movies and such. usually black hair. facial peircings (usually eyebrow or lip). trenchcoats, arm warmers, and striped knee high socks are popular too.

      Skater - dickies shorts/pants, skating shoes, tshirts that look like they came from a thrift store, beanies, and jackets from zumies.

      Preppy- completely decked out in hollister, abercrombie, american apparell, or american eagle. real clean cut. spend far too much cash on clothing.

      Punk- black denim/leather jackets covered in studs and patches, tight jeans, boots or vans, and crazy hair. either mohawk, liberty spikes, or shaved completely off. these kids usually dont shower very much.

      Attention seekers- i dont know what you mean by this.

      Whores/Sluts- tiny denim mini skirts with stilettos, or tight jeans with their thong hanging out of the top, low cut shirts, big time push up bras. they almost always wear too much makeup, and clothes that are three sizes too small.
      we are nowhere and its now
    • Re: Differences?

      Emo- tight pants. Wear a lot of black. hair is usually black and off to mone side, covering one eye.
      Goth- a lot of black as well, just a lot baggier. chains. spikes.
      Skater- volcom, and other skater brand shirts. Dickies, and van shoes.
      Preppy-Abercrombie anything, Hollister. American Eagle. All that rich stuff.
      Punk- Band shirts like the Misfits and such. different colored hair. tight pants.
      Attention seekers-Any clothes that they normally don't wear, or waaayyy too short waaayyy to revealing.
      Whores/Sluts- Hahaha we have already talked about this one:)
    • Re: Differences?

      Emo: Tights pants, black hair, tend to look very similar to friends, Bands tees
      Goth: Nowadays it's something very similar to Emo, IMO, both seem to be very Hot Topic oriented, but you can still have the angry "goths" that listen to Marilyn Manson and other "heavy" stuff that hate emos, so it depends.
      Emo: Too tight skinny jeans, either fitting or big t-shirts, hoodie
      Preppy: It changes, there is the classical preppy look and then the more modern one that in some cases could more easily fit into the "Whores/Sluts" category
      Punk: This one is very versatile. In many cases it's the skinny ripped jeans with leather studded jackets and spiked hair. In other cases you have the boys in khakis with green "Ghost Mice" tees with not too special hair. Just depends on the type of Punk they listen to.
      Attention Seekers: See "Emo" and "Goth"
      Whores/Sluts: IMO very trashy. Girls that wear too-shirt-skirts and t-shirts that expose more than they should. Shirts that are cut too low.
      i don't sleep
    • Re: Differences?

      something i'd say which doesn't fit into any category, is high street fashion,everyday wear such as jeans and a nice top, or evening wear such as a dress with heels, things you can buy from shops such as topshop or miss selfridge, well i'm not aware that this has a category?
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • Re: Differences?

      How about this:

      College Student: jeans and hoody. sometimes flip flops if weather permits, or if they're idiots.

      ROTC (a.k.a. Army kid): never caught dead without his BDU's (camo). Hair is always short, no more than 2-3 inches long

      Wanna-be Business kid: Suit and tie every time. shoes always polished. Warning! may have overgelled hair which reflects sunlight in your face

      i'll work on finishing the list later.