Deep Poem

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    • i cut to release pain,
      and the Devil’s sitting on my shoulder,
      i just wish that he would go away,
      but he wants to ruin my life,
      i’ve done so much stuff, i’m so ashamed.
      and i get it if he doesn’t want me,
      but i thought that he won’t give up on my name,
      and i’m down on my knees,
      dear God help me please,
      i’m drowning in my thoughts,
      blood dripping but no remorse.

      the repetition of sadness is to much for my mind,
      i need to be alone and leave it all behind,
      but it chases me like a tsunami tide,
      i think it’s going, then it comes back from behind,

      and people say,
      why do you cut to release pain?
      listen to the angel on your shoulder,
      it’ll make the bad thoughts all go away,
      it will fix your life,
      everybody sins, don’t feel so ashamed,
      he will forgive, i promise,
      just praise and remember his name,
      just get down on your knees,
      say God help me please,
      he’ll make you stay afloat,
      he’ll build you up a boat.

      but none of it helps.
      believe me, i’ve tried,
      but the demons are already in my mind,
      and there’s no place to run and hide.
      so weak now that i’ve given up the fight,
      the demons are saying i should take my own life,