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    • Hey there guys. Ok one of my chores is to do my own laundry so basically when I cum I cum huge... n i mean fucken HUGE!!!! HAHA!!!!! it always gets on my pillowcase n sheets n I just wipe up whats on me with the sheets..... i dont worry about it coz Im the only one who deals with them. BTW i love cumming huge n covering myself in my load n tbh i kinda like when the sheets are getting hard hehe thats when i know to wash them.... anyway just wondering what you guys do with your cum n how do you deal with your cumstains???
    • I don't cum on my sheets. I cum on my body or my hand and eat it. I also often put my legs over my head and cum in my mouth. The first time I tasted it I didn't like it because I ate junk food before, but normally cum is sweet and actually tastes good. It's easy to eat it, I can stay confortably on my bed, stay in my room. No need to rush to the bathroom to clean. No need to worry for stains, cum rags or tissues my parents could find.
    • bighands wrote:

      yeah I get that man hehe.... I suppose the Q Im asking is more about if other guys dont mind cumstains on their sheets n why and also why do so many guys get rid of it so quickly...
      I'm not bothered by cum stains. I don't do what you do and deliberately wipe cum on my sheets but I am certainly not going to run off to wash them if some got on them. I tend to hit my pillow more than the sheets - when I shoot that far it tends to go over my left shoulder rather than hit me in the face so the pillow gets it. In that case I generally turn the pillow over, not because I think there is anything nasty about cum (there isn't) but because I don't want to transfer it to my hair and then have an obvious spot where the hair are stuck together.

      The closest thing I have done to what you describe was when I was not sleeping naked. I sometimes used my pyjama shorts to wipe up with and then wore them and sometimes marks would be visible from the previous load too.

      I think on the wiping up quickly thing, we're working up towards the release, knowing that the cum is going to be spurting out of us and for me, at least, I am anticipating watching the fountain and feeling it land on my chest & belly and at that moment cum seems to be very sexy and that's when we may think about eating it at the end. Then, once we've cum, it seems to loose its appeal because we are no longer horny. I've never found it nasty but after cumming I am more ambivalent towards it. Sometimes I eat it or rub it around but usually I just wipe up. When it comes to cum stains on things, when we see them again it is probably some time after the last time we cummed and we've started to build up some horniness again.

      BTW, like you I do my own laundry so no need to worry about what someone else will find.
    • bighands wrote:

      Hey there guys. Ok one of my chores is to do my own laundry so basically when I cum I cum huge... n i mean fucken HUGE!!!! HAHA!!!!! it always gets on my pillowcase n sheets n I just wipe up whats on me with the sheets..... i dont worry about it coz Im the only one who deals with them. BTW i love cumming huge n covering myself in my load n tbh i kinda like when the sheets are getting hard hehe thats when i know to wash them.... anyway just wondering what you guys do with your cum n how do you deal with your cumstains???
      I personally don't mind cum stains I do my own laundry so yeah sometimes I'll get my sheets covered in cum stains before I wash them and sometimes I don't. I'm a huge cummer and sometimes I gotta let that shit fly!
    • I tend not to do what @DaxDax does as if I cum freely I end up getting some in my pubes. I find it's really difficult to clean cummy pubes without having a shower - anyone got any tips?

      But I have a lot of other methods - I've had lots of practice .

      I like @Comman 's method. No mess. However, I tend to use two socks: it's a bit tighter so the sensation is nicer and I find one sock isn't enough to stop the cum from still shooting out through the sock.

      Most of the time, I just take off the underpants I'm wearing before I start to wank and then grab them when I'm close and cum into them. I do this more than the socks as cum seems to wash off my pants better than my socks, which get a bit crusty.

      I have quite a bit of foreskin (around half an inch of overhang) so sometimes I trap my cum in my foreskin and let it out into a few tissues. I tend to do this if I haven't grabbed my underpants in time and I know I've gone beyond the point of no return.

      My favourite methods I don't use very often.

      On Saturday mornings (when I do bed laundry) I just cum all over the sheets. Then they get washed. I love the freedom of shooting it anywhere and not worrying about where it goes. Although, it helps to aim away from the face .

      Very rarely, I use a condom. They're too expensive to use each time, but I love the feeling of my juices surrounding my head.
    • I use the foreskin method like "No longer in Use" most of the time. But i let it out into the toilett instead of tissues. Otherwise i have a cum rag i cum on and then i wash it.
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • No longer in Use wrote:

      Very rarely, I use a condom. They're too expensive to use each time, but I love the feeling of my juices surrounding my head.

      I've only done this onec, partly because it seems unescessarily expensive to use a condom for a wank, and partly because I didn't find the condom very comfortable. I did notice how warm my cum felt when the tip held it against my penis head and yes, that was a nice feeling.

      Those who have long foreskins and have pinched the end to contain the cum, do you notice something similar?

      No longer in Use wrote:

      On Saturday mornings (when I do bed laundry) I just cum all over the sheets. Then they get washed. I love the freedom of shooting it anywhere and not worrying about where it goes. Although, it helps to aim away from the face .

      There is definitely something to this. Not cumming on the sheets specifically, but the whole thing of not being distracted from the pleasure of your orgasm and being 100% tuned in to it. Grabbing something to cum into may not be much of a distraction but it does still feel liberating to not have to do that.

      That freedom is one of the original reasons I went for lying on my back and letting the cum land on my chest/belly. That's a pretty big area and my cock points that way anyway so it;s not like I have to aim it there.

      Then I discovered that I can also feel pleasant little warm splashes as the cum lands, which you don't get if you cum on the sheets. That leads back to the thing about using a condom and also:

      No longer in Use wrote:

      I tend not to do what @DaxDax does as if I cum freely I end up getting some in my pubes. I find it's really difficult to clean cummy pubes without having a shower - anyone got any tips?

      I did once make a "cum sheild" for specifically this reason. I had an old pair of jeans that were coming apart and due to be thown out so I cut a piece of denim from them, big enough to cover my pubes and then made a hole in the middle the exact right diameter for my cock. Then I could slip it over my cock and my pubes would be protected.

      Of course, at night, you could just not worry too much. Wipe up what you can and leave it. As long as you shower in the morning before going to meet the rest of your family and the rest of the world, no-one going to find you smelling of cum and it won't do you any harm not to have 100% cleaned up the night before.
    • Sean2001 wrote:

      No longer in Use wrote:

      Very rarely, I use a condom. They're too expensive to use each time, but I love the feeling of my juices surrounding my head.
      I've only done this onec, partly because it seems unescessarily expensive to use a condom for a wank, and partly because I didn't find the condom very comfortable. I did notice how warm my cum felt when the tip held it against my penis head and yes, that was a nice feeling.

      Those who have long foreskins and have pinched the end to contain the cum, do you notice something similar?

      No longer in Use wrote:

      On Saturday mornings (when I do bed laundry) I just cum all over the sheets. Then they get washed. I love the freedom of shooting it anywhere and not worrying about where it goes. Although, it helps to aim away from the face .
      There is definitely something to this. Not cumming on the sheets specifically, but the whole thing of not being distracted from the pleasure of your orgasm and being 100% tuned in to it. Grabbing something to cum into may not be much of a distraction but it does still feel liberating to not have to do that.

      That freedom is one of the original reasons I went for lying on my back and letting the cum land on my chest/belly. That's a pretty big area and my cock points that way anyway so it;s not like I have to aim it there.

      Then I discovered that I can also feel pleasant little warm splashes as the cum lands, which you don't get if you cum on the sheets. That leads back to the thing about using a condom and also:

      No longer in Use wrote:

      I tend not to do what @DaxDax does as if I cum freely I end up getting some in my pubes. I find it's really difficult to clean cummy pubes without having a shower - anyone got any tips?
      I did once make a "cum sheild" for specifically this reason. I had an old pair of jeans that were coming apart and due to be thown out so I cut a piece of denim from them, big enough to cover my pubes and then made a hole in the middle the exact right diameter for my cock. Then I could slip it over my cock and my pubes would be protected.

      Of course, at night, you could just not worry too much. Wipe up what you can and leave it. As long as you shower in the morning before going to meet the rest of your family and the rest of the world, no-one going to find you smelling of cum and it won't do you any harm not to have 100% cleaned up the night before.
      Yeah. Condoms are expensive for wanks. I've done it like 3/4 times - special occasions like birthday or Christmas etc.

      It's not quite the same when you cum in your foreskin, though it's relatively similar. I think the thing is, for me, if I'm cumming in my foreskin, I have to be more cautious with the last few rubs so my cum doesn't spurt out and make a mess. Like you were saying, it's this slight distraction that takes away from the joy of the orgasm as you're wondering whether it'll be more of a spurty orgasm or whether it'll actually shoot.

      I think my dick is a bit shorter and the angle of my erection tends to point more towards the ceiling as opposed to my stomach. I have occasionally put my hips in the air and cum onto my bare chest. I do love the feeling of the cum splatted onto you. But that gets really messy and you have to try and find all the little splatters. I missed one once and now there's a small stain on the wall behind my bed's headboard.

      Love your idea about the 'shield'. Definitely give that a try. I've not got old jeans but can probably find something else. Thanks.

      I don't know if I could just leave my pubes cummy. It tends to get a bit itchy, I find. I suppose that's partially because I don't go straight to sleep and tend to like to go for round two or three. Lol