Lost In Dublin

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    • Lost In Dublin

      For most of my life I've known i'm gay. I sometimes feel like I am lost since everyone I know is straight.
      I live in Ireland, a very religious country. My parents were Catholics meaning I am as well. Homosexuality is looked down upon in my school and I hear homophobic slurs everyday. Of course, these aren't directed at me. Nobody knows i'm gay. Sometimes I feel like I am having a brilliant day and then in about an hour it can all come crashing down because I feel like I don't fit in.
      I'm terrified of coming out to my parents. I've wrote a letter but I haven't had the guts to give it to them.
      Coming out is terrifying. What if my family hates me after I tell them? What if they want nothing to do with me?
    • I don't exactly have answers for what you have asked about, but can i just ask if theres been any practical issues yet, because of your sexuality. For example, a girl who likes you trying to ask you out.. or people asking if you got yourself a girlfriend yet? its hard to live in the truth obviously for yourself and i wouldnt think badly of someone who does things to simply fit in because its just easier at that age

      Btw have you ever looked into a group for gay people (and your parents could just think you were going to some youth club, which is still very much true, without having to mention that) strength in numbers is a comfort to see other people who live like you do:)
    • Hello!
      I go to an all boys school meaning I don't really talk to that many girls.
      People haven't really asked me if I have a girlfriend due to that. I'd actually be really interested in going to one of them, I might research a bit about it!
      Thank you very much for the advice, it means a lot to me :)
    • Mirandagurl wrote:

      I don't exactly have answers for what you have asked about, but can i just ask if theres been any practical issues yet, because of your sexuality. For example, a girl who likes you trying to ask you out.. or people asking if you got yourself a girlfriend yet? its hard to live in the truth obviously for yourself and i wouldnt think badly of someone who does things to simply fit in because its just easier at that age

      Btw have you ever looked into a group for gay people (and your parents could just think you were going to some youth club, which is still very much true, without having to mention that) strength in numbers is a comfort to see other people who live like you do:)
      That's some good advice. Wish there was some of those groups where I live too
      I'm always available to talk. PM me if you want
      Setting up a new community. Link here
    • I don't know about LGTB in Portugal and their views but id guess that Latvia isnt very good with it, because a friend was talking to her neighbour about it and she didnt seem to have a clue what she was going on about (the neighbour comes from Latvia originally)
      it must be equally bad when someone confides but the person they tell doesnt even understand what it is