Ive been relapsing

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    • Ive been relapsing

      When I was 14/15 I had a bad self harm problem but I quit for a long time. I thought I was past this.
      But the last 7 months have been hell with my dad dying and being so far away from friends and family and my roommate being an abusive shit and everything is really heavy right now.
      I’m 21 now, and a few weeks ago, I relapsed. I did it for a few days, then the urge went away for a few weeks. I thought I was over it again. I thought I’d be okay now. I stopped thinking about it.
      Especially because I’m about to move away from my mean roommate and back to my hometown where my family is. Things are about to improve for me. But I just relapsed again.
      I keep doing this and I can’t afford therapy.
      Idk. I hope I stop.
    • I'm so sorry your dad died. You're definitely going through a rough time right now. It's understandable that you relapsed.
      I'm glad you're moving away from your abusive roommate and back to your loved ones. :) I hope you'll be able to find someone (either in person or online, such as teenadvisor.semlimitesband.cf ) that you can talk to so that if you ever have sadness or pain in your life again (because let's face it, life can be painful sometimes), you won't want to hurt yourself. :)