Pandemic trends

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    • How has the restrictions and pandemic changed your life style and habits? not too much
      How has it impacted your lifestyle?
      what has changed? School's just online, friends too
      are you doing anything more? reading books and I'm more outdoors, hiking with the dogs.
      anything your sad you can’t do? sports, hang with friends and such
      has having more people in your house changed your clothing choice or private time? It turned otherwise. We live very secluded. And since half of the family lives abroad, I've plenty of privacy at home. So nothing much has changed.
    • How has the restrictions and pandemic changed your life style and habits? Kept me home some extra, and I had to study on my own which I really suck at. I need school and someone to force me to study. Online does not work for me.

      How has it impacted your lifestyle?
      what has changed? Less time out with friends, no coffee shops, less shopping, and some friends' parents won't allow visitors
      are you doing anything more? Not really, just being restless
      anything your sad you can’t do? Swim at the pool
      has having more people in your house changed your clothing choice or private time? Not really
    • How has it impacted your lifestyle? Less school lol
      what has changed? Not much tbh
      are you doing anything more? Chatting with friends
      anything your sad you can’t do? Can't have sleepovers
      has having more people in your house changed your clothing choice or private time? No
    • How has it impacted your lifestyle? not really

      What has changed? studying was shifted online-

      Are you doing anything more? - since I volunteered for some covid-19 related provincial-programs and now, almost being back to biz, I'm more busy as I was before March 2020.

      anything your sad you can’t do? - some points, such as: visiting my stepbro eastcuoast us or former school mates In SoCal. And all the travelling in General. May change a bit in Sept.

      has having more people in your house changed your clothing choice or private time? - no. I always wear cusual stuff and I have my spaces in the house, studio and my workshop for having my-times.if that makes sense. All in all, the house is kinda big so every inhabiting individual has space enough to be able on its own. Goes for our pet"zoo" too.
    • That's right. We decided not to go on vacation by RV. But we could rent it to other families. It was just inconvenient to disinfect everything quickly after returning the RV, to check its technical condition, etc and give it right to the next familiy. We got used to it.

      And at least the RV made money for our living. I believe that we got through the pandemic quite well with this.