Vitamin for immunity

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    • Vitamin for immunity

      Hey guys, I have a little question for you. I have been starting to take vitamin tablets every now and then as I have a problem with getting sick every time. I read an article on the use of vitamins and how these health supplements improve our immune system. As COVID-19 is getting widespread, my family and I decided to take vitamins to improve our immunity power. As we are all taking them, it results in running out of stock but purchasing them is a little concerning because most pharmacies ask for prescriptions even though vitamins generally don’t need prescriptions. I researched online and found a couple of vitamin stores. I wondered if anybody has bought such health supplements online and would really appreciate it if you could advise me.

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    • Taking extra vitamins is actually a waste of money as long as there is no evidence of a deficiency in certain vitamins. The intake of additional vitamins, and possibly minerals too, is of no use, as the body usually excretes everything that is too much and is therefore not needed. And those vitamines that are still stored could even harm the body over time if taken regularly.

      If you eat a balanced mixed amount of fresh food and if you too drink a lot of sufficient water, there is usually no deficiency. And if you do sports and regularly leave the house, your immune system is also well equipped for common diseases and infections that it is already familiar with.

      Which does not necessarily have to apply to, eg, Covid-19. Infected with it, no additional vitamins help.
    • siRius15 wrote:

      In addition to nutritious food take,
      tablets enriched with
      Vitamin C
      This is good to prevent COVID 19 like diseases.
      ( Advised by my uncle physician, who is a research scholar in infectious diseases -practicing in UK)
      Shouldn't you check what you already take into your system with your daily food before considering taking extra tablets? If you already have enough of everything you don't need this. And if you don't you can just change your food plan accordingly and save on buying tablets.
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • But how? If you take more vitamin into your system it just get's ignored by your body. This is only true if you don't eat healthy in the first place. You uncle, as a physician, should know this. A healthy person does not need any supplements. Also Covid is dangerous, because we have no vaccines yet, but it's not the only virus out there. So even without Covid, you need a good immune system.
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • Hey Benni90er, then do you mean to say that all the 2,25,410 persons who were dead due to Covid 19 till yesterday in US were all under nutrition ? Right nutrition is not the only factor that boost your immunity.
      My advice is to do YOGA regularly , particularly the breathing exercises. I learned it from one Master from Asia.
      hi friends, send me PM for anything else..I love to receive more messages ...thanks
    • siRius15 wrote:

      Hey Benni90er, then do you mean to say that all the 2,25,410 persons who were dead due to Covid 19 till yesterday in US were all under nutrition ?
      No. I never said that. Try to attack the things i said instead of putting words in my mouth i never said.
      And many deaths due to Covid-19 happened because the patients had other health issues as well which weakened their immune system. Getting those tablets wouldn't have helped them in any way. That's why older people are more likely to die when they get infected with Covid19: they are already weakened. That's why we should try our best to not let the virus spread. To buy us all more time. Some of the dead people had a weak immune system due to other medication. In that case, tablets would not have had any effect too.
      Eating healthy and being fit are the best ways to stay healthy. Vaccines help your immune system to know how the viruses look like to defeat them even faster. For some people, those tablets are helpful. Because they may have a problem and can't get enough vitamin out of their food. But that is specific and should be decided on a case by case basis with a doctor.
      But IIiam already wrote that. Sorry for repeating.
      curious open-minded short but not so short guy from Germany. open for conversations/PMs, all topics, all ages, all genders
    • Do outdoor sports on a regualr base, shower alternately with hot and cold water, hop in hot tubs or use sauna, turkish steam bath, skinny dip in snow etc even during autumn or winter. That will boost your imune system. Combined with healthy nutrition you don't need dietary supplements.

      I only would go for such stuff if the doc I trust says it would be appropriate for my current physical condition to take them.
    • Well they’re not expensive but the B makes it nice and bright!
      Just means you’ve taken all you can and not taken not enough :P

      still crazy good for you

      Oh and omega 3 fish oil; we take that too

      Shane1 wrote:

      Vitamins A,D, E, and K are fat soluble vitamins and are stored in the body for longer periods of time than water soluble vitamins. Don't take lots of vitamin D.

      If you take lots of vitamin B and C (water soluble vitamins), they just create expensive urine.