Did he really like me or did he only want sex?

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    • Did he really like me or did he only want sex?

      Does he only want me for sex? 9
        Yes. (6) 67%
        No. (3) 33%
      Hi, I just made an account because I'm hoping someone can give me some advice here.

      I'm in high school and I was friends with this guy. He seemed nice, we never really hung out, but we would talk when we saw each other. I asked for his number so we could talk more because we didn't have classes together and there wasn't much time to talk at school and we didn't see each other anywhere else. I think guys and girls can be friends and text without it being weird so I didn't think much of it. We started texting and he asked me to hang out after school. I said yes because I thought we were friends. (to be honest I was slightly attracted to him but I didn't really want to be more than friends) we hung out and he asked me out, and I said yes even though I originally only wanted to be friends. Immediately (I'm not joking it was less than a minute) after I said yes he put his arm around me which made me a little uncomfortable because I thought it was a bit soon but I didn't do anything about it. (and just so you know we had probably been hanging out for 10-15 minutes) We made small talk for about 2-3 minutes (again, I'm not exaggerating) and then he asked if he could kiss me. I said no. He said that was okay and didn't ask again but I thought he seemed a little disappointed. a little while later he held my hand and kind of rested his hand and mine on my upper thigh. He didn't do anything else but it kind of felt like he was trying to get closer to touching me in other places. Nothing else happened after that and we just hung out for a little while longer.

      Now I'm wondering if he only thinks I'll have sex with him or if he genuinely likes me. Is this normal behavior for teen guys?

      I think it would have been better for him to ask me out after we had hung out and then put his arm around me etc. on an actual date because we definitely weren't that close, and we were supposed to be just friends although he didn't specify if it was a date or not.

      Also, all of this was about one month after he had broken up with his girlfriend of six months, and I know that the two of them did not kiss or anything at all, which makes me wonder if that's why he broke up with her. He started talking to me right after he broke up with her which could mean that he just wanted to find someone else as soon as possible.

      This happened recently and I'm trying to figure out what his intentions are before I hang out/go on a date with him again because if he's just using me I don't want to be in this relationship.

      Sorry for writing a novel but I wanted to explain this, and I would appreciate your opinions.

    • Hi! I am not sure that this guy just want to have sex, however, it is a bit strange try to kiss the girl not even on the first date. Maybe he interpreted wrongly you agreement to go on a date, sometimes it really happens with guys. In my opinion, you just need to talk with him fairly and explain what you want.
    • How long he could be hanging out without any action..? He may be in true love but that won't stop him doing some funs with you like kissing, touching,pressing..
      You talk with him and you should fix a limit to your making out. Befriend with him again....it is all in the game.
      hi friends, send me PM for anything else..I love to receive more messages ...thanks
    • siRius15 wrote:

      How long he could be hanging out without any action..? He may be in true love but that won't stop him doing some funs with you like kissing, touching,pressing..
      You talk with him and you should fix a limit to your making out. Befriend with him again....it is all in the game.
      He was touching me in some way basically the whole time by either putting his arm around me or holding my hand etc. He didn't seem to like the idea of not being right next to me.

      And I know these are normal things to do and I would be fine with kissing him but it seemed like he was rushing things which is making me wonder if thats all he wants to do.
    • I agree with FKKGirl. When I go out with a girl I go out to have fun and do things. I am not the type guy that would to take a girl out just to see how fast I can get my hands in places or get her on the bed. I don’t believe in that. There is a time and place for everything. What this guy was trying to do would be in my opinion of rushing things or just seeing how you would respond to what he was doing. If you gave him the feeling you like it he my try to go further with you. If he try’s again just tell him I want to take things slow. If he is a good guy he would respect your wishes. If he leaves then you know what he was after.
    • Comman wrote:

      I agree with FKKGirl. When I go out with a girl I go out to have fun and do things. I am not the type guy that would to take a girl out just to see how fast I can get my hands in places or get her on the bed. I don’t believe in that. There is a time and place for everything. What this guy was trying to do would be in my opinion of rushing things or just seeing how you would respond to what he was doing. If you gave him the feeling you like it he my try to go further with you. If he try’s again just tell him I want to take things slow. If he is a good guy he would respect your wishes. If he leaves then you know what he was after.
      Thanks for replying! It's interesting and helpful to hear your perspective, and thank you for being respectful to girls - as a teen girl myself I know they appreciate it, and there are so many guys out there who are not.
    • Not really sure if can tell if he really likes you or just after sex (or something sexual). But rushing into touching like that isn't a good move (though as he's just broken up recently he might just be trying to carry on where he was with his ex, and forgetting you're a different person) if you believe he was just having a bad moment and is a nice guy talk to him about it, tell him you don't want to rush, and lay out what you want and feel comfortable with. And tell him to not rush himself as break ups can be hard, and it can take time to get over them properly to complete commit and be ready for something new

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Yeah, wanting to touch you without much conversation seems a bit assertive to me (I wouldn't go so far as to say aggressive)

      Thats ok for some people (it wouldn't be for me), but it may not be good for you if you're questioning it. He may like you a lot, but the two of you still could have different expectations of what happens in a relationship

      Don't do anything if you're not comfortable with it. Regretting things later on isn't worth it at all, especially if you feel pressured into it