So now I'm an asshole

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    • So now I'm an asshole

      I'll admit I haven't been the best guy ever. Some while ago I started to doubt my relationship, I just didn't feel like I loved her enough, I didn't feel comfortable being with her for some reason, but the feeling came and went quickly, one moment I was loving her again, the other moment I just was so tired of her.
      And I couldn't bring myself to tell her, because I knew I'd be loving her again two days later. Apparently somehow her friends figured out, probably because on of my best friends told his girlfriend, and they suggested to me, I guess somewhere in October, that if I didn't love her anymore and wanted to break up that was the best time to do it, and I was like WTF WHAT I DON'T WANT TO BREAK UP WITH HER?!
      And then it just got worse and one day it just went over the top. All the stupid things that were bothering me about her just became too much, and for some reason I got this temporary crush on someone, which went just as quickly as it came, because then apparently the next day everything was alright again, although two days later I was sick of it again already.
      So anyway, few weeks ago I was at her place and I think we kind of stopped there. She called me that night and I just couldn't bring myself to say "me too" back. Last week we actually broke up, but I thought we did it as friends, we didn't fight, we agreed together, and I was happy we did it peacefully.

      So now she suddenly tells me on msn that I should've told her from October that I was going to break up with her, 'like I had told somebody else', 'cause that would have been easier. She said she was "disappointed in me", I mean seriously, how much impact does that have? "I'm very disappointed in you"? Big deal. She concluded with "I didn't know you could be that assholish. I just have to say this: ASSHOLE.". She was also like "You were the last person I expected to keep someone dangling like that!". I only read that like half an hour after she wrote that 'cause I was watching a movie, but I'm just not impressed.
      I had so much problems breaking up with her because of guilt, because I knew she was so crazy about me that it would mentally scar her (luckily it didn't), yet now I don't give a fuck about anything she's saying.

      So now I'm an asshole.

      I seee youuu....
    • Re: So now I'm an asshole

      I don't think she means you're an asshole, she's hurt.. you just broke up with her. If I found out my boyfriend didn't love me anymore and was keeping it from me and I was in HER position i'd be really bitter about it. Right now she isn't understanding what you have gone through and I doubt she even knows, so she's mainly just worried about how she feels, can you blame her though?, she's hurt.

      Eh, that's just what I think lol.
    • Re: So now I'm an asshole

      It doesn't matter who u r or wat u did. When a girl is involved, you're always an asshole. But like Natasha said, it probably hurt her.

      I think i was in a similar position with my last girlfriend. she ended up breaking up with me, who knows y. and then we bitched and fought for months and just don't talk anymore.

      Now that i think about it, i probably should've broken up with her cuz the whole thing was a huge mess. i really didnt want to though, n it just made everything worse..