Wet Dreams

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    • I've only ever had 4 or 5, all in the last year or so.

      It's nice at the time for about 10 seconds when you are having an amazing dream, but then you have to clean up the mess on your sheets. It's the one time I wish I didn't sleep naked, but as I say, it doesn't happen very often.
    • HeyCameron wrote:

      I still get them. Kind of surprised that I still do. They're rare now but they happen every now and then. I usually just use a tissue and then get in the shower quickly. Not gonna bother changing underwear before that.
      Lmao yeah. I know adult still gets them- My adult friends used to get them a lot and said that even as an adult stuff like random boners, being horny and wet dreams are still common
    • Personally, I have never had one; I discovered masturbation before I could ejaculate and since then have never gone more than a week without cumming and evening going a whole week has been pretty rare.

      DragonV2 wrote:

      Lmao yeah. I know adult still gets them- My adult friends used to get them a lot and said that even as an adult stuff like random boners, being horny and wet dreams are still common
      There does seem to be a message that wet dreams are specifically a puberty thing and I rather suspect it is completely without evidence and probably dates from a time that masturbation was taboo.

      Yes, puberty is the start in the sense that is when our testosterone level rises and we start making sperm and semen and start feeling the urge to ejaculate it, but our testosterone doesn't suddenly drop back down again upon finishing puberty and being considered an adult. The process continues into adulthood and only slows down in the same way that other capabilities wane as people start to get old.

      On masturbation being taboo, if the self righteous of the past imagined that by their negative messages on masturbation they had actually succeeded in stopping teens and men from doing it then indeed that would mean that teens, especially younger teens, would be more prone to wet dreams as they would have no other sexual outlet whereas older guys who were in relationships would be less likely to have them as they would be getting their release during sex.

      But I suspect they never did succeed in stopping masturbation, only making guys feel guilty about it, and consequently then, as now, it depends on a combination of individual variation and how often you cum deliberately. Perhaps those who are older and have moved away from their parents house do have more opportunities to get off whether that is from sex or because they can masturbate with less concern for someone walking it, but it isn't like something suddenly switches.
    • amar-ben wrote:

      Every now and then.
      Usually turn over and go back to sleep, and worry about it in the morning.

      I think any guy who does NOT get them at least a few times, is missing an important milestone in growing from a boy to a man -- even if they can be unpleasant.
      probably has a lot to do with when you started puberty. I never got one and started puberty late. I bet if I started earlier I would have had one. Plus I do it a lot.
    • amar-ben wrote:

      Every now and then.
      Usually turn over and go back to sleep, and worry about it in the morning.

      I think any guy who does NOT get them at least a few times, is missing an important milestone in growing from a boy to a man -- even if they can be unpleasant.
      Well, boys don’t get a choice when we get wet dreams. After all, they occur in our sleep. You get the mess when we wake up.
    • amar-ben wrote:

      I think any guy who does NOT get them at least a few times, is missing an important milestone in growing from a boy to a man -- even if they can be unpleasant.
      As one of those who has never had one, of course I wonder what it would be like, i.e. how similar vs. how different it is compared to cumming while awake, but I wouldn't call it a missed development milestone. I also know I am far from alone in never having had one with plenty of others here saying the same.

      Did you by any chance have sex-ed that mentioned wet dreams but not masturbation? They have to be mentioned, of course, but if masturbation is not mentioned then talk of wet dreams then serves as a proxy for starting to ejaculate, which is the real development milestone and it doesn't matter whether yoi discover you can ejaculate during the orgasnm at the end of masturbating or in a wet dream.

      Also the explanation given for wet dreams is often over-simplied. Usually they are described as a way for the body to get rid of old semen it has made but not ejaculated to make room for fresh production and it is certainly true that those who don't masturbate for a while seem more prone to get one, but it clearly isn't that simple as some can go a long time without ejaculating and still not get one while others can have one the same night as having masturbated or had sex,

      Clearly the brain is involved in some way and some have suggested that testosterone spikes can cause them. I am not aware of this having been properly researched, though, which is not surprising as there is no effect on health and therefore no money to be made from knowing more.

      But back to the everything full idea, for an explanation of how the body can physically cope without ejaculation see Not getting wet dreams/masturbating

      Not that testing that ability is a particularly good idea. Cumming feels wonderful and there is no reason not to do it often.