Covid Vaccine

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    • The problem is that most of us out there (and pretty much everyone on this site, unless we're lying about who we are) are not trained medical professionals. That means that we have to rely on others to tell us whether COVID-19 is real, and how bad it is if it does indeed exist. And it boils down to how much we believe each side. Personally, I believe that it's real, and yes, I've gotten vaccine shots for it. but at the same time, I admit that it's true that I couldn't 100% guarantee you on my own that COVID-19 is real and that the vaccines are safe and aren't going to do something to those of us who have gotten them a few years down the road. I simply don't directly have the medical training needed to personally say anything one way or the other on the subject. I don't know enough to say "This side is the one telling the truth here."

      Some of why I believe those that say that COVID-19 is real (and that the vaccines are safe) is because the conspiracy theorists can't seem to agree on one single reason as to why the medical community and governments as a whole would be lying to us. I've heard a variety of claims, including:

      *For some unknown reason, Bill Gates wants to wipe out most of the population and sterilize most of the remaining people.

      *Governments want to microchip everyone.

      *"Big pharma" is just out to line their own pockets with lots and lots of money, and they've simply thrown together a bunch of random stuff, called it a safe vaccine, and are paying off governments and medical personnel to claim there's a pandemic going on so that "big pharma" can sell off as much of the bogus concoction they made as they can.

      *The United Nations or some other "shadow government" out there is using the idea of a pandemic as part of its plan to seize control of the world through some "New World Order".

      *COVIC-19 is real, but it's some sort of biological warfare being used against the rest of the world by China.

      There are other "theories" being put forward, of course, but the end idea is the same - while the conspiracy theorists all say that someone is supposed to be out to "get" us when it comes to COVID-19, yet can't even agree on just how or why it's supposed to be happening.
    • BlackParadePixie wrote:

      Ryzen wrote:

      BlackParadePixie wrote:

      this idea that millions of perfectly healthy people are getting covid and going to the ICU or dying is just nonsense.
      Yet it is exactly what's happening. What's nonsense is believing that because you are young and healthy, you cannot fall against a disease. This is just absurd. And that's not an issue of beliefs. One just needs to check measured data and statistics to verify that.
      see this is hilarious. You sit and throw out words like "data" and "statistics" and you don't even know what you're talking

      That's a study by the cdc saying that out of more than 540,000 hospitalized covid patients...94.9% had at least 1 underlying comorbidity condition.

      Which is EXACTLY what I said.

      Millions of HEALTHY PEOPLE are NOT dying from covid.
      This shows you didn't even read that study and try to understand what it tells us.

      First, I said that it was absurd to think you couldn't fall to Covid if you were young and healthy. That study says that out of close to 500k speople that got to hospital and had Covid, 5.1% had no underlying condition. That's about 25,000 patients. So, that shows what I was saying was true.

      And second, did you read what is said in the text of the study? That between 38 and 64% of individuals in the US got at least _two_ underlying conditions. That obesity is present in about half of the adult population, and so on. It means that most of the US population is likely "not perfectly healthy" according to their own critera.

      But it doesn't matter, because the only question this study answers is: "by how much do your chances to get severe Covid increase when you have an underlying condition?". It does _not_ say you can't get it if you're healthy. It does _not_ say what your chances to die from it if you are healthy are. It just says what most already guessed from common sense: the less healthy you are, the more likely you can have severe consequences. That's it.

      Learn to read the texts under the title and abstract, and take time to understand them before throwing them around. Or ask someone who knows enough to explain it to you, that's what I did myself. And it took me a few hours to read the whole, ask questions, and discuss about it, but it was worth it.
    • 100% get vaccinated as it will help

      The problem is all information we read or hear is in someway biased. The company's want to make profits, governments want to keep voters. So they flop around with there information. Trying to discredit something until its something they can use for there gain.

      Feel lucky your in a country where there is a vaccine you can get. And a health service that can (even if ridiculously stretched) look after your health. Countries that dont have that are the places that really need the vaccines and help the rich are stockpiling. That would stop (or slow down) the loop of boosters to combat variants mutations

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Aspen wrote:

      I just can’t understand how some people can be so cowardly and ignorant about the vaccines still
      I think it's because they go on whatever explanation they read that makes the most sense to them, even if it's some random comment on Facebook or YouTube and there's no scientific basis for said comment (you've got to admit that some of the scientific community's explanations can be a bit complex at times). Then, if you try to provide any sort of actual evidence from scientists, you're supposedly only saying that because you're a part of "Big pharma" (and are really just out to make lots of money off of a dud "vaccine") or you're a part of some government conspiracy (and are really out to microchip and/or sterilize everyone).
    • kmcd wrote:

      What's the side effect from a vaccine? A few days feeling tired or maybe a sore arm?
      Some medecine turn out to have real bad side effects only years or even decades after. And I mean real bad

      Talk about scientists knowing what they do... The same scientists who said Jansen and Moderna only required only one dose. Now they say 2. Now they say AstraZeneca which was supposed to be one of the best needs a booster from Pfizer.
      The same scientists that said booster is needed after 6 months. Then they said 5. Now it is 3 or 4.
      The same scientists that are still unable to explain why the same virus can be deadly for a few people, and have no effect and no symptoms on other.
      No body really knows how this fucking virus works and why it affects people differently, and no body knows how effective the virus really is

      Now you want me to get vaccinated against a disease that I have only 1 chance out of 10 and that would potentialy have no effect on me ?
    • Starlord wrote:

      kmcd wrote:

      What's the side effect from a vaccine? A few days feeling tired or maybe a sore arm?
      Some medecine turn out to have real bad side effects only years or even decades after. And I mean real bad
      Talk about scientists knowing what they do... The same scientists who said Jansen and Moderna only required only one dose. Now they say 2. Now they say AstraZeneca which was supposed to be one of the best needs a booster from Pfizer.
      The same scientists that said booster is needed after 6 months. Then they said 5. Now it is 3 or 4.
      The same scientists that are still unable to explain why the same virus can be deadly for a few people, and have no effect and no symptoms on other.
      No body really knows how this fucking virus works and why it affects people differently, and no body knows how effective the virus really is

      Now you want me to get vaccinated against a disease that I have only 1 chance out of 10 and that would potentialy have no effect on me ?
      I think you'll find it was government's saying that. Theres a difference between effective (as in it works well with 1 dose) and being more effective with more doses

      And scientist do have a good idea why some get effected more than others. It's just a complicated mixture of genetics, health, and the reaction of your own immune system

      And alot of viruses requires an immune booster. Otherwise we wouldn't still have flu or cold viruses around

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      kmcd wrote:

      What's the side effect from a vaccine? A few days feeling tired or maybe a sore arm?
      Some medecine turn out to have real bad side effects only years or even decades after. And I mean real badTalk about scientists knowing what they do... The same scientists who said Jansen and Moderna only required only one dose. Now they say 2. Now they say AstraZeneca which was supposed to be one of the best needs a booster from Pfizer.
      The same scientists that said booster is needed after 6 months. Then they said 5. Now it is 3 or 4.
      The same scientists that are still unable to explain why the same virus can be deadly for a few people, and have no effect and no symptoms on other.
      No body really knows how this fucking virus works and why it affects people differently, and no body knows how effective the virus really is

      Now you want me to get vaccinated against a disease that I have only 1 chance out of 10 and that would potentialy have no effect on me ?
      scientist do have a good idea why some get effected more than others. It's just a complicated mixture of genetics, health, and the reaction of your own immune system
      Oh, really ?
      If it was the case, they would be saying "people with *these* conditions need to be vaccinated, people with *those* conditions dont have to"
      All I hear is "we have to vaccinate 100% people". And then some
    • Starlord wrote:

      BJade wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      kmcd wrote:

      What's the side effect from a vaccine? A few days feeling tired or maybe a sore arm?
      Some medecine turn out to have real bad side effects only years or even decades after. And I mean real badTalk about scientists knowing what they do... The same scientists who said Jansen and Moderna only required only one dose. Now they say 2. Now they say AstraZeneca which was supposed to be one of the best needs a booster from Pfizer.The same scientists that said booster is needed after 6 months. Then they said 5. Now it is 3 or 4.
      The same scientists that are still unable to explain why the same virus can be deadly for a few people, and have no effect and no symptoms on other.
      No body really knows how this fucking virus works and why it affects people differently, and no body knows how effective the virus really is

      Now you want me to get vaccinated against a disease that I have only 1 chance out of 10 and that would potentialy have no effect on me ?
      scientist do have a good idea why some get effected more than others. It's just a complicated mixture of genetics, health, and the reaction of your own immune system
      Oh, really ?If it was the case, they would be saying "people with *these* conditions need to be vaccinated, people with *those* conditions dont have to"
      All I hear is "we have to vaccinate 100% people". And then some
      pretty sure people who were older and with immune disorders were vaccinated first. And people with immune disease have a 3rd dose (which is a larger dose) rather than the boost everyone else gets (which is a smaller dose)

      You seem to be confusing catching a virus, with getting seriously ill or dieing. Everyone can catch it, but some things can make it worse

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • BJade wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      BJade wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      kmcd wrote:

      What's the side effect from a vaccine? A few days feeling tired or maybe a sore arm?
      Some medecine turn out to have real bad side effects only years or even decades after. And I mean real badTalk about scientists knowing what they do... The same scientists who said Jansen and Moderna only required only one dose. Now they say 2. Now they say AstraZeneca which was supposed to be one of the best needs a booster from Pfizer.The same scientists that said booster is needed after 6 months. Then they said 5. Now it is 3 or 4.The same scientists that are still unable to explain why the same virus can be deadly for a few people, and have no effect and no symptoms on other.
      No body really knows how this fucking virus works and why it affects people differently, and no body knows how effective the virus really is

      Now you want me to get vaccinated against a disease that I have only 1 chance out of 10 and that would potentialy have no effect on me ?
      scientist do have a good idea why some get effected more than others. It's just a complicated mixture of genetics, health, and the reaction of your own immune system
      Oh, really ?If it was the case, they would be saying "people with *these* conditions need to be vaccinated, people with *those* conditions dont have to"All I hear is "we have to vaccinate 100% people". And then some
      pretty sure people who were older and with immune disorders were vaccinated first. And people with immune disease have a 3rd dose (which is a larger dose) rather than the boost everyone else gets (which is a smaller dose)
      You seem to be confusing catching a virus, with getting seriously ill or dieing. Everyone can catch it, but some things can make it worse
      Yup, I'm aware of that. And I'm not confusing anything. Old people and "people with conditions" like diabete, obesity, heart problems, were vaccinated first.

      My point is what about other people ? What about people which are healthy and have an immunitary system working fine ? Most of them probably dont need to be vaccinated, yet they are forced to, just because government has decided they wont be happy until they have vaccinated 115% of their population
    • Starlord wrote:

      BJade wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      BJade wrote:

      Starlord wrote:

      kmcd wrote:

      What's the side effect from a vaccine? A few days feeling tired or maybe a sore arm?
      Some medecine turn out to have real bad side effects only years or even decades after. And I mean real badTalk about scientists knowing what they do... The same scientists who said Jansen and Moderna only required only one dose. Now they say 2. Now they say AstraZeneca which was supposed to be one of the best needs a booster from Pfizer.The same scientists that said booster is needed after 6 months. Then they said 5. Now it is 3 or 4.The same scientists that are still unable to explain why the same virus can be deadly for a few people, and have no effect and no symptoms on other.No body really knows how this fucking virus works and why it affects people differently, and no body knows how effective the virus really is

      Now you want me to get vaccinated against a disease that I have only 1 chance out of 10 and that would potentialy have no effect on me ?
      scientist do have a good idea why some get effected more than others. It's just a complicated mixture of genetics, health, and the reaction of your own immune system
      Oh, really ?If it was the case, they would be saying "people with *these* conditions need to be vaccinated, people with *those* conditions dont have to"All I hear is "we have to vaccinate 100% people". And then some
      pretty sure people who were older and with immune disorders were vaccinated first. And people with immune disease have a 3rd dose (which is a larger dose) rather than the boost everyone else gets (which is a smaller dose)You seem to be confusing catching a virus, with getting seriously ill or dieing. Everyone can catch it, but some things can make it worse
      Yup, I'm aware of that. And I'm not confusing anything. Old people and "people with conditions" like diabete, obesity, heart problems, were vaccinated first.
      My point is what about other people ? What about people which are healthy and have an immunitary system working fine ? Most of them probably dont need to be vaccinated, yet they are forced to, just because government has decided they wont be happy until they have vaccinated 115% of their population
      then you get what happened in Africa with the omicron variant :( because they had a young enough population that could survive the virus, but still caught it and circulated around, it was able to mutate to be more transmitable

      And I'm sure the other point that large numbers of population are currently not able to work because they're ill gives you another clue why ?( I'm sure you'll be happy with no doctors, police or food as they're all off work

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Starlord wrote:

      kmcd wrote:

      What's the side effect from a vaccine? A few days feeling tired or maybe a sore arm?
      Some medecine turn out to have real bad side effects only years or even decades after. And I mean real bad
      Talk about scientists knowing what they do... The same scientists who said Jansen and Moderna only required only one dose. Now they say 2. Now they say AstraZeneca which was supposed to be one of the best needs a booster from Pfizer.
      The same scientists that said booster is needed after 6 months. Then they said 5. Now it is 3 or 4.
      The same scientists that are still unable to explain why the same virus can be deadly for a few people, and have no effect and no symptoms on other.
      No body really knows how this fucking virus works and why it affects people differently, and no body knows how effective the virus really is

      Now you want me to get vaccinated against a disease that I have only 1 chance out of 10 and that would potentialy have no effect on me ?

      And at one point, doctors openly smoked while seeing their patients. After more research, we know that smoking (including second-hand) can cause lung cancer.

      Your point again?
    • TLogical reason is that governments are using this virus as reason to strip your freedoms away and most people dont want to be free. Most people actually long to be slaves.

      Snowfox wrote:

      People worship according to their religion. And those who claim to have no religion lie. Their religion is State itself.
      that not logical or what’s happening
      That’s just conservative conspiracy end of the world fantasy nonsense
    • Aspen wrote:

      TLogical reason is that governments are using this virus as reason to strip your freedoms away and most people dont want to be free. Most people actually long to be slaves.

      Snowfox wrote:

      People worship according to their religion. And those who claim to have no religion lie. Their religion is State itself.
      that not logical or what’s happeningThat’s just conservative conspiracy end of the world fantasy nonsense
      Any proof?
    • Snowfox wrote:

      Aspen wrote:

      TLogical reason is that governments are using this virus as reason to strip your freedoms away and most people dont want to be free. Most people actually long to be slaves.

      Snowfox wrote:

      People worship according to their religion. And those who claim to have no religion lie. Their religion is State itself.
      that not logical or what’s happeningThat’s just conservative conspiracy end of the world fantasy nonsense
      Any proof?
      That statement can work both ways for damn sure. That is the basis of all the arguing in the first place. One side says what they believe and they put there so called proof up and the other side denies it and the same damn thing happens the other way. Saying what you said doesn't amount to anything.
    • If you don't get the vaccine, you could die of COVID-19.

      If you do get the vaccine, you could get a lesser form of COVID and probably have a sore arm for a few days. The odds are great that you won't die.

      If you take the "what's the worst that could happen" situation from either side, the worst situation of not being vaccinated seems to be far worse than getting vaccinated.