Am I right to be suspicious of dating non-Mormons and non-Mexicans when I'm older?

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    • Am I right to be suspicious of dating non-Mormons and non-Mexicans when I'm older?

      For some reason, I feel that I don't trust dating culture outside of the Mormon church, I feel once I accomplish my goals to study in Spanish-speaking countries, I want to pursue a relationship with a Mexican woman and that they be Mormon too, my cousin Daliana who is 19 and is a Mormon from Mexico says that it's good for me to look to the scriptures to find a Mexican woman who believes good virtues like her and follows Mormon dating advice.

      I have read a lot of fear-mongering online that has got to me saying that I shouldn't date outside of the Mormon church and move to Mexico because the west opposes Mormon values, especially in dating.

      Although its always been my dream to move to Mexico and get my Mexican citizenship, I can't help but feel the fear mongering is true, ever since I read that majority of equal rights groups in countries like mine are trying to make casual sex normal and opposing simple Mormon values like sex after marriage and no adultery, it feels like a bad idea to consider dating outside the Mormon church and I should consider moving to Mexico.

      I really don't want to date someone who is not Mormon and supports these values, I feel I need to become more active in Mormonism so I can find an ideal woman like this once I have studied abroad in Mexico, Guatemala, and Spain, and got my stuff together.

      I trust my cousin Daliana living in Mexico about who to date because she is Mormon, I want to date someone like her who is Mormon and supports these good virtues, I also want them to be from Mexico and Mexican.

      I feel like my dating strategy makes me feel happy and comfortable, why should I settle down for someone who opposes my values? To me it makes no sense why I should consider non-Mormons, I want your guy's thoughts on this.
    • 1- If you meet someone that is non morman you can always talk about it to them and if they want they might pick being morman. The other thing is you keep saying Mexican Woman and the way your saying it she is more like a prize then a person. Maybe keep being morman but keep being more inclusive or your soulmate might just walk on by.
    • it would be very hard to find some that has the exact same belief in everything. Even people from the same religion have different views on things. And it's kinda boring with someone exactly like you

      You should care more about the love for eachother. And someone who respects your beliefs (and you respect them) there are plenty of nice (and equally unnice) people in the world no matter their beliefs

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • We're all unique. We have our beliefs and philosophy. Not everyone who practices your religion will share the same beliefs or act on them so please keep that in mind before assuming any girl that practices that religion are perfect.

      Another thing, love is a unique, powerful, and beautiful thing. We cant help who we love and if you fall in love with someone then their religious views honestly shouldnt be an issue as long as you both love each other and respect each other for views. I honestly think that being selective like that wont be good for your future and that you should just look for someone that fits your ideals and loves you unconditionally rather than an unhappy marriage or relationship.

      Sex is something you and your partner should enjoy and intimacy should occur when you both are old enough and consent to it. If you got to be married for it then get married or consent when you feel like you're allowed to. People arent being forced to have sex, they just feel that they're ready or just want to experience such pleasure.

      Have you considered therapy, joining a support group or talking to a counselor? I feel that you'd highly benefit from professional advice from an adult with who you can share more personal information rather than a forum full of random teens that might not be able to answer the questions you're asking
    • MatthewBehnke wrote:

      For some reason, I feel that I don't trust dating culture outside of the Mormon church, I feel once I accomplish my goals to study in Spanish-speaking countries, I want to pursue a relationship with a Mexican woman and that they be Mormon too, my cousin Daliana who is 19 and is a Mormon from Mexico says that it's good for me to look to the scriptures to find a Mexican woman who believes good virtues like her and follows Mormon dating advice.

      I have read a lot of fear-mongering online that has got to me saying that I shouldn't date outside of the Mormon church and move to Mexico because the west opposes Mormon values, especially in dating.

      Although its always been my dream to move to Mexico and get my Mexican citizenship, I can't help but feel the fear mongering is true, ever since I read that majority of equal rights groups in countries like mine are trying to make casual sex normal and opposing simple Mormon values like sex after marriage and no adultery, it feels like a bad idea to consider dating outside the Mormon church and I should consider moving to Mexico.

      I really don't want to date someone who is not Mormon and supports these values, I feel I need to become more active in Mormonism so I can find an ideal woman like this once I have studied abroad in Mexico, Guatemala, and Spain, and got my stuff together.

      I trust my cousin Daliana living in Mexico about who to date because she is Mormon, I want to date someone like her who is Mormon and supports these good virtues, I also want them to be from Mexico and Mexican.

      I feel like my dating strategy makes me feel happy and comfortable, why should I settle down for someone who opposes my values? To me it makes no sense why I should consider non-Mormons, I want your guy's thoughts on this.
      Sorry to be rude but that's BS
      Just because someone is not the same religion or does not have the same values as you, doesn't mean they are not a good person, or that they're not good for you

      Religion is about love, tolerance and accept people, not about rejecting them

      If this is your dream, then go for it.
      Religion is supposed to help and guide you, not prevent you from achieving dreams
    • I had to look up fear mongering. But I dont think its a good idea to live your life according to scary stories you read online.

      I also dont like that you feel your views on dating are so much better and superiour than what other people are doing. I dont think we are opposed to your values, but you are opposed to ours.

      So thats my thoughts on this. Still, do you what you wanna do and date who you wanna date. Would be nice if you did that without judging others so much.
      Feel free to send me a message!
    • Having preferences is fine.

      But attraction is attraction. I you feel attracted to someone but then reject them because they don't fit the random pre-requisites you set is weird.

      And might be hurtful. Someone might think that there is a connection but end up being rejected because of their nationality (which they can't control) and of their religion (which is mostly out of control too, people tend to stick to the religion they were brought up in).