How to overcome shyness when you like someone ?

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    • How to overcome shyness when you like someone ?

      Hi there, I'm 19 and would need some advice. I like a guy from my school, we were in the same class last year, but now we have only one class in common. Last year, we did talk from time to time (it was just the both of us, we weren't with other people), even though our exchanges were limited because of covid). Now when we see each other, we do talk a little bit, but I'm literally at a loss of words everytime I'm around him. I managed to ask him if we could work together for a group project (he accepted immediately and told me : "of course, not problem at all"). The other day, our class was finished, and I think he waited for me to grab my stuff and get out of the classroom so we could talk. Then, we were walking side by side but we barely talked until we were outside (but he still stayed next to me, even though he could have left to talk to his friend). One thing that questions me is that his friend is always with him, but when I'm with the guy I like, he always walks behind us or grab his phone and rarely participates in the conversation.
      So yeah- I think at least he doesn't mind my presence, since he sometimes goes talk to me himself (like there was this one time we were both taking an exam and I was in the waiting room, whereas he was just finished, and he walked to me and talked to me even though there was another girl he knew in the room).
      What would you advise me to do ? I want to get to know him better but never know what to talk about because I'm way too nervous. I also don't have his phone number yet, but hope I will have it when we'll start working for our group project.
    • Hello!
      I totally understand you. I'm also very shy when It comes to dating. From what you said in you're message I think that he likes you as well but he isn't sure how to approach you. Group project is the best way to talk with him. You should try and see him after school and find out something about him. Once you become better friends it will be much easier to talk about your feelings. Spend as much time as you can with him and later on you will understand how he feels about you from they way he acts.
      I wish you all the luck.
      <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
    • I think imagining him naked would make more nervous haha

      A little update : He got my number now. We were having a lecture yesterday afternoon and I saw him (he doesn't always come because we have the option to follow the lectures from home). When we had a break, we said hi to each other, and a little later I managed to talk to him about our group project. I told him it would be better to make a groupchat so we could discuss how we'd organize for our project. He wanted me to write his phone number down, but I didn't have my phone on me, so he took mine instead. Then, we chatted for a little while but only about school-related stuff.. I don't really know how to talk about other things :/ Besides, I'm still kinda stuck cause he got my nulber but I didn't get his, so I'll have to wait for him to send me a message or make a groupchat.
    • hi, good to know the updates...try to get his number very casually not have an emotional approach..first discuss about the lessons..then have a casual inquiry about his family , habits etc.,During the talk , if he occasionally touches your hands just take it with a smile..
      hi friends, send me PM for anything else..I love to receive more messages ...thanks
    • A little update (again) : Well we didn't talk much since I last talked here. We created a group chat to work on our project, so I also have his number now.
      The day before yesterday, I saw him in class. When the class was finished, I had to meet other people to prepare an oral presentation. So we had to go separate ways. I said bye to him and his friend and walked to the patio that was leading to a work cafe, where I was supposed to meet these people. The door was closed so I didn't know how to get in. There was also people from an association in the patio, who were giving food for lunch. Anyways, I was only there for not even a minute when I saw him. I thought he had followed his friend, but apparently he decided to turn back. We briefly talked but then someone opened the door of the work cafe. But I saw him leaving the patio, so I was kinda hoping he wanted to talk to me..?
      Anyways, since I have his number now, do you think I should pm him?
    • if you have his number you should definitely pm him :D talking about your day, how you feel, or any random stuff is a good way to start a relationship <3 and open up to eachother slowly

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • Well, I don't know, because we're not that close. But I texted him yesterday to ask him if he could send me a lesson that I missed bc I was sick, he replied a few hours later, telling me he would send the lesson to me tomorrow. But it's been a day now, and he still hasn't said anything, so I can't even try to continue the conversation or something ><
    • Ok so I don't know what to do Today, I saw him bc we had to work for our group project (we are four in this group, my crush, his friend, another girl and me). We had to see each other at the work café of our school. At first it was just him, his friend and me. We sat at a table outside t, waiting for the girl to come (we all knew each other from last year btw). I was so embarrassed, at first we said nothing and I was like, looking at him, and then he looked at me so I looked away, before looking again and this happened a few times. We were both smiling, but I was so shy so at first that I didn't say anything. We ended up chatting and it was really nice. But then the other girl of our group arrived and then it seemed like he was looking at her most of the time, he was really all smile with her... He looked more reserved with me, but it really gave me the impression he was maybe attracted to her. But I know she's in a relationship so I doubt anything will happen. But I really don't know what to do, should I give up, knowing that he may actually not be interested in me? I'm really confused