Drinking alcohol to numb pain

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    • Drinking alcohol to numb pain

      OK I currently watch my older bro and his mate drinking to take edge of pain away. Actually bros mate does most of drinking but he cant be let alone for a while after all.

      I am about to start thinking that as short time medication it might help. Longer its possibly filling that void left inside.

      So far this socialist government funded medical system offers no help. We have to help our fellow lads
    • may help in a very short term. But when you wake up with a hangover the next day, the pains still there. And then theres the problem of getting drunk (and possibly alcoholic long term)

      Good Friend :play: Kinda Romantic :love: Ready to Rock :zomg:

      "If you try to follow fashion you'll always be chasing, and probably never catch it. If you be yourself and make your own style, fashion might just bump into you one day."
    • HeyCameron wrote:

      I have a personal policy that I only drink when I'm in a good mood. Using alcohol to numb pain is the first step toward alcoholism.
      I can see this lad ending alcoholist. He just lost his son. I knew his son distantly he was 14 when he died. I dont know exact reason of his death.... at least not yet. My bro is work mate and personal friend as well for this man they have known each other since kids. Whole man currently sits on bench outside of our carage smoking cigarets one by one and drinking whisky like water. His eyes are like all life has sucked from him. I feel that pain too. He is gonna stay with us for a while cause empty house of his and him alone would lead to him taking his gun and use it on himself.

      He aint getting any shrink help cause they say him "you are a man and men do not cry" or something similar. I heard his banshee wail last evening.