What makes u Bi?

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    • ben_wrestles wrote:

      What does everybody think would make someone Bi? I consider myself straight but I have masturbated with some of my guy friends and even traded oral.
      What would make you "bi" is this: That you decide to label yourself as Bi.

      I think everyone is bi naturally, at some point along the spectrum. And we move along it... we might experiment and decide we do not like something, change our ideas, and feelings change as we get older. Based on that theory, everything makes on Bi. But really, it is just a label and the definition of it is something you decide.
    • I think one of the difficulties of Bi as an identity is that different people mean different things by it.

      mentallychaotic wrote:

      I think everyone is bi naturally, at some point along the spectrum. ...
      One of the people who proposed the spectrum idea is Kinsey and the Kinsey scale is named after him. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale

      So, referring to that, is straight point 0 on the scale and gay point 6 so all of 1-5 are Bi? Or is Bi just 2-4 so 1 counts as straight and 5 counts as gay? The point I am making is that, unless you are firmly at one end of the scale or the other, mapping your particular set of attractions to one of just three labels is going to be an approximation.

      Then, what do you want from a label? Is it for communicating with others? Or is it to guide you in some way?

      One important thing to consider is that we don't choose a label and that then sets what we are allowed to do with whom. So, for example, you don't decide that you are straight, that therefore mutual masturbation and b/js with other guys are off limits, and then eye up guys wishing you were doing those things - that isn't doing anything that helps you. You know what you like. If you and another guy enjoy sucking each other then keep doing it.

      On the other hand, someone who identifies as gay may find that gay identity very helpful in that he then knows that making propositions to the guys he is attracted too will be harder than guys coming on to girls, because many of the guys he is attracted to will be straight. So maybe, when he is looking for a b/f, he will need to either go to places where other gay guys hang out or use one of the apps. It means he also knows he will need to "come out" at some point because the general expectation of those around us is that we will eventually get a g/f, maybe marry, maybe start a family etc.

      Does identifying as Bi have a similar effect. I am not sure. Being bi you could well find a g/f in normal everyday life and in that case you can choose whether you tell anyone else you see yourself as bi. Then, going back to the Kinsey scale:

      mentallychaotic wrote:

      ...And we move along it... we might experiment and decide we do not like something, change our ideas, and feelings change as we get older. Based on that theory, everything makes on Bi. But really, it is just a label and the definition of it is something you decide.

      Fritz Klein proposed this in his book "The Bisexual Option". I am not if there is so much a fundamental shift as a change in what part of the the attractions we have we act on. Freud mentioned a gay phase as being quite normal to the point of defining being gay in adulthood as a fixation, i.e. development getting stuck at a particular point. I don't think anyone believes his fixation idea these days but I do believe it is common to do stuff with other guys and then move on to girls. Maybe this is internally driven or maybe it is just that guys are so horny and there is a period when guys are prepared to do stuff and girls more cautious. But people changing what they and who they do it with over time is definitely real. On other forums, where the members are predominately adults, there are guys posting how they seem to have become more bi (i.e. no longer exclusively straight) in middle age. Is there some natural thing going on there with a kind of long "breeding season" when guys focus more on women and raise a family surrounded by periods of "just enjoy getting off"? Is it guys who have always been bi fitting in with society's expectations for a few years then deciding to just be themseleves? Who knows.
    • ben_wrestles wrote:

      What does everybody think would make someone Bi? I consider myself straight but I have masturbated with some of my guy friends and even traded oral.
      I read it's genetics but I'm not sure if it's true or if there is actually a reason
      You can be attracted by boys, or girls, or both
      I guess it is something in the brain
      Just like I was born a boy and there is no logical reason I feel more like a girl than like a boy
      The brain is too complicated I guess
      Dont be afraid to come talk to me, I dont bite... :D
    • ben_wrestles wrote:

      What does everybody think would make someone Bi? I consider myself straight but I have masturbated with some of my guy friends and even traded oral.
      I guess it has to do with the other person's personality
      I had always been attracted to girls only, and never to any boy
      But for some reason when I met this boy I got a crush on him. I cant explain why him in particular but I know I feel so good with him
      #BigLove :D