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    • ‼️ ADVICE NEEDED ‼️

      Hi! I’m a junior in high school and I told my crush that I thought he was cute last month. He proceeded to ask me on a date, so we went to dinner later that month and got to know each other. He is so nice and shares the same views on everything that I do, so I was super happy about it. The date went super well, he seemed really interested too. After, I told him how I had fun and we should go out again. Now here’s the kicker— he said “I’m not ready to go on dates rn… don’t blame yourself, blame me… I admire your courage… but it’s just not to be”. This was shocking to me considering how he was at the date, but I went along and told him I understood, so we left it at that. Then I went back to school, and whenever I saw him in the halls, I would swear he was still looking at me and making eye contact. Before the date but after I told him about liking him, he would always do a little nod at me in the halls, very politely. Would a guy who’s not interested do that? I really want to pursue a relationship with him, or at least go on a few more dates, but I don’t know how to tell him. I don’t want to seem desperate or manipulate him into doing something he doesn’t want to do :((( maybe I wasn’t clear enough? I just told him I saw him and thought he was cute, not that I have had a crush on him for the past three years (on and off)… so maybe he doesn’t think I’m into him enough to keep going??? Ugh!!! I reallllly like him, so I don’t want to leave it where we left it. I’m a really shy person who’s never really had any interactions with guys before, so he really brought joy to my life. Everyone says, “you’ll find someone else” but idk if I can… I don’t know if I’ll ever feel as confident about someone ever again… he’s just so…. Ahhhhhh. So I need help— what should I say to him to let him know that I don’t just find him attractive, but that I really like him? And how do I tell him that I want more, even when he said he’s not ready? He’s giving me mixed messages, so I’m not entirely sure where he stands— does he not like me or is he really not ready for anything more/doesn’t have time for a gf? Idk how to ask him that though… I want to continue what we started, I just don’t know how to say it! Please give me advice— am i reading the situation wrong, maybe I should leave him alone?? Or am I right??
      [guy], if you, for whatever reason, are reading this, please tell me how you feel. You really brightened up my life. :(