Going to the doctor

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    • Going to the doctor

      1. Are you a boy or girl, how old are you, and what kind of doctor do you typically go to (general/family practice doc, pediatrician, urgent care doc)?

      2. What reason (anual checkup, physical for school/camp/sports/etc, injury/emergency, other) and how often for each reason do you go to the doctor?

      3. What is the typical process of what happens when you go from the time you get there to the time you leave?

      4. Who takes you to the doc and do they go into the room with you? Do they stay in the room the whole time or step out for certain parts of it?

      5. Between you and who takes you, who usually does most of the talking and answer most of the questions?

      6. At any point during the visit, does the doc/nurse make you take of any or all of your clothes? If so, which articles of clothing do you take off and how long are you without the clothes?

      7. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt your front privates (testicle/hernia exam, vaginal exam, breast exam, etc)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your parts?

      8. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt the outside or inside of your butt (prostate exam, rectal exam, rectovaginal examination)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your butt?

      9. Have your ever had anything inserted into your butt (rectal thermometer, suppository, enema, etc)?

      10. Have you ever had your temperature taken rectally? If so, at what ages did it happen? Where did it happen (home, other relatives house, friends house, doctor's office, hospital) and who took it (family member, friend, doc/nurse)?

      11. Besides the doc/nurse, was anyone in the room during the genital or rectal part of the exam and did they say anything during or after about that part of the exam?

      12. Did you get a boner or wet during any part of the visit and did anyone see the boner/wetness and make any comments about it? Did you have an orgasm or ejaculate?

      13. How often do you get a shot and where do you usually get them (arm, hip, butt cheek)?

      14. Were you embarrassed during or about any part of the visit?
    • 1. Are you a boy or girl, how old are you, and what kind of doctor do you typically go to (general/family practice doc, pediatrician, urgent care doc)? Im girl. I go every few years to my GP (or if im ill) and I go every year to my gyno

      2. What reason (anual checkup, physical for school/camp/sports/etc, injury/emergency, other) and how often for each reason do you go to the doctor? If im ill or injury and every year to my gyno

      3. What is the typical process of what happens when you go from the time you get there to the time you leave?

      4. Who takes you to the doc and do they go into the room with you? Do they stay in the room the whole time or step out for certain parts of it? No. I go alone

      5. Between you and who takes you, who usually does most of the talking and answer most of the questions? My and my doctor? OMG

      6. At any point during the visit, does the doc/nurse make you take of any or all of your clothes? If so, which articles of clothing do you take off and how long are you without the clothes?
      GP none, gyno wants see my vagina and boobs so I dress of.

      7. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt your front privates (testicle/hernia exam, vaginal exam, breast exam, etc)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your parts? Yes, every year my gyno (vaginal ultrasound, speculum, fingers, papsmear). breast exam.

      8. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt the outside or inside of your butt (prostate exam, rectal exam, rectovaginal examination)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your butt? Once at my second gyno visit

      9. Have your ever had anything inserted into your butt (rectal thermometer, suppository, enema, etc)? No at medical use. I sometimes do anal cleaning before anal sex.

      10. Have you ever had your temperature taken rectally? If so, at what ages did it happen? Where did it happen (home, other relatives house, friends house, doctor's office, hospital) and who took it (family member, friend, doc/nurse)? Never

      11. Besides the doc/nurse, was anyone in the room during the genital or rectal part of the exam and did they say anything during or after about that part of the exam? No

      12. Did you get a boner or wet during any part of the visit and did anyone see the boner/wetness and make any comments about it? Did you have an orgasm or ejaculate? No. OMG!

      13. How often do you get a shot and where do you usually get them (arm, hip, butt cheek)? ass or arm. IDK

      14. Were you embarrassed during or about any part of the visit? Yes. Who not?
    • 1. Are you a boy or girl, how old are you, and what kind of doctor do you typically go to (general/family practice doc, pediatrician, urgent care doc)?
      << Boy, 16. I go to a pediatrician. Not sure at what age I should move on... but my doctor is a friend of my mum, so I will probably continue to see her forever.

      2. What reason (anual checkup, physical for school/camp/sports/etc, injury/emergency, other) and how often for each reason do you go to the doctor?
      << When I am sick or have an injury or some reason that needs a doctor. I go when I need to.

      3. What is the typical process of what happens when you go from the time you get there to the time you leave?
      << I walk in, scan the code with my phone, sit down and wait for my turn. I explain my issue to the doctor. She checks out the issue. She tells me how to fix it, or she fixes it. I leave to home.

      4. Who takes you to the doc and do they go into the room with you? Do they stay in the room the whole time or step out for certain parts of it?
      << Unless I am too ill or too injured, I ride my bike. Otherwise mum would drive me. And might go in with me if I ask her to do so. More likely to ask here if I am really ill and out of sorts mentally, as then I will forget what the doctor says.

      5. Between you and who takes you, who usually does most of the talking and answer most of the questions?
      << I do most of the talking. If the doctor asks questions, mum might answer if she is there, but more often I will answer. If I ask questions, the doctor answers directly to myself.

      6. At any point during the visit, does the doc/nurse make you take of any or all of your clothes? If so, which articles of clothing do you take off and how long are you without the clothes?
      << I take off anything that is needed for the purpose of my visit.

      7. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt your front privates (testicle/hernia exam, vaginal exam, breast exam, etc)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your parts?
      << Yes, when that was the purpose of the visit, which has been a few times. And how long depends on what she is doing or what is wrong.

      8. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt the outside or inside of your butt (prostate exam, rectal exam, rectovaginal examination)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your butt?
      << No. She did put pressure on my perineum at one visit, to check the reaction to pressure. But not anal.

      9. Have your ever had anything inserted into your butt (rectal thermometer, suppository, enema, etc)?
      << Not that I recall.

      10. Have you ever had your temperature taken rectally? If so, at what ages did it happen? Where did it happen (home, other relatives house, friends house, doctor's office, hospital) and who took it (family member, friend, doc/nurse)?
      << I do not think so.

      11. Besides the doc/nurse, was anyone in the room during the genital or rectal part of the exam and did they say anything during or after about that part of the exam?
      << The lab tech when I had ultrasound. No one said anything really, just did their job.

      12. Did you get a boner or wet during any part of the visit and did anyone see the boner/wetness and make any comments about it? Did you have an orgasm or ejaculate?
      << Erection yes, but that was part of the issue for the visit/ultrasound. So of course they saw it. No orgasm.

      13. How often do you get a shot and where do you usually get them (arm, hip, butt cheek)?
      << Arm usually

      14. Were you embarrassed during or about any part of the visit?
      << No not at all
    • My answers:

      1. Are you a boy or girl, how old are you, and what kind of doctor do you typically go to (general/family practice doc, pediatrician, urgent care doc)? As far as I can remember I always went to either a general practice or family practice doc.

      2. What reason (anual checkup, physical for school/camp/sports/etc, injury/emergency, other) and how often for each reason do you go to the doctor? Mostly scout camp physicals, otherwise the occasional anual checkup or rare time I was sick.

      3. What is the typical process of what happens when you go from the time you get there to the time you leave? The usual, check-in at the reception window, wait in the wait room, the nurse calls me back and checks my height and weight. Then go to the room where she checks my blood pressure and such. Then she leaves and says the doc will be in shortly. He comes in and checks my breathing on my chest and back using the stethoscope and then feels around my stomach and it sometimes tickles a little. He usually checks my knee reflexes. Then he'll usually do the hernia check last and that will be over.

      4. Who takes you to the doc and do they go into the room with you? Do they stay in the room the whole time or step out for certain parts of it? Almost always my mom. She usually stays in the room that I can remember.

      5. Between you and who takes you, who usually does most of the talking and answer most of the questions? Mom answers most of the questions, especially medical questions about when I was younger.

      6. At any point during the visit, does the doc/nurse make you take of any or all of your clothes? If so, which articles of clothing do you take off and how long are you without the clothes? Shirt is usually just raised up during the breathing part and if I he does the hernia check I just have to unzip my shorts and pull down the front of my underwear enough for the doc to get his hand in there to feel my balls. When I was younger and got shots in my butt, they would have me lay down flat on my stomachand pull down the back of my shorts and underwear enough to expose my butt, give me the shotz and pull my shirts and underwear back up.

      7. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt your front privates (testicle/hernia exam, vaginal exam, breast exam, etc)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your parts? Not everytime, but he does do the hernia check sometimes.

      8. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt the outside or inside of your butt (prostate exam, rectal exam, rectovaginal examination)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your butt? Not that I can remember.

      9. Have your ever had anything inserted into your butt (rectal thermometer, suppository, enema, etc)? Not that I can remember, but like most people, I'm sure the rectal temps happened when I was a baby and then "graduated" to the oral temp when I was old enough to hold it under my tongue.

      10. Have you ever had your temperature taken rectally? If so, at what ages did it happen? Where did it happen (home, other relatives house, friends house, doctor's office, hospital) and who took it (family member, friend, doc/nurse)? LIke I answered in the last question, I'm sure rectal temps happened when I was to young to do the oral temp.

      11. Besides the doc/nurse, was anyone in the room during the genital or rectal part of the exam and did they say anything during or after about that part of the exam? My mom if she didn't exit the room. I know she was there when I was younger watching me getting a shot in my butt check.

      12. Did you get a boner or wet during any part of the visit and did anyone see the boner/wetness and make any comments about it? Did you have an orgasm or ejaculate? Not that I remember.

      13. How often do you get a shot and where do you usually get them (arm, hip, butt cheek)? Occasionally, when I was younger it could be either in my arm or butt, but as I got older they were almost all in my arm or sometimes in my hip.

      14. Were you embarrassed during or about any part of the visit? If any, it would be a little during the hernia check.
    • Going to the doctor

      Apr 7th 2022
      1. Are you a boy or girl, how old are you, and what kind of doctor do you typically go to (general/family practice doc, pediatrician, urgent care doc)?

      I am male and 23 and I go to a family doctor.
      2. What reason (anual checkup, physical for school/camp/sports/etc, injury/emergency, other) and how often for each reason do you go to the doctor?
      Normally for a yearly physical or if I am sick.

      3. What is the typical process of what happens when you go from the time you get there to the time you leave?
      Weight, blood pressure, temperature, oxygen count. They listen to my heart and lungs and do a hernia check and feel my testicles for ant abnormalities.
      Pull my foreskin back to check it. Palpate around to check my body. That's about it.

      4. Who takes you to the doc and do they go into the room with you? Do they stay in the room the whole time or step out for certain parts of it? I take myself.

      5. Between you and who takes you, who usually does most of the talking and answer most of the questions? N/A

      6. At any point during the visit, does the doc/nurse make you take of any or all of your clothes? If so, which articles of clothing do you take off and how long are you without the clothes? I start out to strip to my underwear and then for genital and hernia exam I drop my undies.

      7. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt your front privates (testicle/hernia exam, vaginal exam, breast exam, etc)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your parts? As I said yes they do.

      8. Has the doc/nurse ever looked at and felt the outside or inside of your butt (prostate exam, rectal exam, rectovaginal examination)? If yes, how often does it happen and how long do they look at and feel your butt? I do get prostate exams now too.

      9. Have you ever had anything inserted into your butt (rectal thermometer, suppository, enema, etc)? Thermometer when I was a baby.

      10. Have you ever had your temperature taken rectally? If so, at what ages did it happen? Where did it happen (home, other relatives house, friends house, doctor's office, hospital) and who took it (family member, friend, doc/nurse)? Yes, as a baby.

      11. Besides the doc/nurse, was anyone in the room during the genital or rectal part of the exam and did they say anything during or after about that part of the exam? No

      12. Did you get a boner or wet during any part of the visit and did anyone see the boner/wetness and make any comments about it? Did you have an orgasm or ejaculate? No

      13. How often do you get a shot and where do you usually get them (arm, hip, butt cheek)? I can't remember my last shot. Most likely for tetanus.

      14. Were you embarrassed during or about any part of the visit? Nope