I need advice for this and opinions pls(making out and consent?)

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    • I need advice for this and opinions pls(making out and consent?)

      ok im not sure if this is the right tread but here we go

      one of my guy friends always said that he was against underage sex when i or my friends brought it up. he would always say it was assult and that it could bite the guy back in the future if the girl went and told people and shaped it as assult. He would always be disgusted at this. Then one day i asked him to makeout with me(kind of a dumb idea idk what i was doing at that time) and he was like sure. he'd had a girlfriend before and he would makeout with her, he used to complain abt how he loved it and she didnt like it that much. I still decided to give it a try and i was honestly disappointed. It wasnt as great as it was in the books and i understood why his ex girlfriend didnt like it alot. Maybe it was because it was forced and not with someone i had acctual feelings for. He asked if i wanted to have sex with him and it somehow escalated to us having sex in a mall bathroom, i was 13 at the time. It was an ok experience somewhat pleasurable. I dont regret it i just dont think im gong to do it again any time soon. The guy seemed to enjoy it more then me and i think that next time ill wait for someone that i know in better circumstances. It just surprises me that he was the one really against it and then he was the one to ask for it. I agreed because i didnt think much of it, but at the time i felt kind of pressured. Like if i had to do this because i couldnt turn the guy down he was way taller then me and kind of intimidating. I felt like i had to do this to distract my mind from everything that was going around. I heard about a lot of girls that also had lost their virginity at this age. So i did. Maybe i shouldve waited but im not sure. I grew apart from the guy and we dont talk anymore, i tried but he became really dry and leaves me on delivered all the time.

      First am i just bad at making out? or why is it described as amazing in books and stuff and it wasnt for me?
      Was this some sort of assult? or did i consent, im not sure. Any help/opinions?
    • I had sex for the first time at 14 (so not much older than you were your first time). The first guy I had sex with was also 14 at the time, and the second guy I had sex with (my current boyfriend) was 13 (and I was 15) the first time (he was actually the one who was tops our first few times). And I'm sure I've gotten better with practice over the years, and I think the first few times can seem not as good as is sometimes portrayed in stories, probably because stories can overexaggerate stuff like sex. So no, I don't think you were a bad lover, jut inexperienced.

      I certainly don't view the sex I've had as rape (and nether guy has ever viewed it as rape, either). Though, as has been mentioned, officially age of consent laws vary from place to place.
    • Durango wrote:

      I had sex for the first time at 14 (so not much older than you were your first time). The first guy I had sex with was also 14 at the time, and the second guy I had sex with (my current boyfriend) was 13 (and I was 15) the first time (he was actually the one who was tops our first few times). And I'm sure I've gotten better with practice over the years, and I think the first few times can seem not as good as is sometimes portrayed in stories, probably because stories can overexaggerate stuff like sex. So no, I don't think you were a bad lover, jut inexperienced.

      I certainly don't view the sex I've had as rape (and nether guy has ever viewed it as rape, either). Though, as has been mentioned, officially age of consent laws vary from place to place.
      Is there love between you 2. I am just kinda curious about how it goes with your kind of people and it is easier to ask you than to ask from lads I know who happen to be gay.